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Where's the resolution JoeMerchant????

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Listen, I don't agree with this resolution simply because it isn't going to work, but I don't understand the hatred. I've known Joe for a long time, and he honestly thinks there is a better way to run this union.

I talked to him about this issue, and he wants a way to ease into a national seniority list. I simply don't think this union will ever do it.

I do a lot of ALPA work, and Joe is hated and admired by many. This issue doesn't have anything to do with RJDC and he isn't trying to "take over" the union. In fact, he makes a very good case for not decertifying ALPA.

As for handing "ammo to haters at mainline", you need to understand that they hate us no matter what. It doesn't have anything to do with Joe or RJDC. We took their jobs and they don't like us. However they sold those jobs to try and preserve their pay.

Well that is just it, isn't it...?

Joe might have good intentions but his skillset stinks.

You've heard the expression... "it is not what you said, but how you said it that angered me....."

Whether Joey and his kind have good intentions or a hidden agenda, we will never know, because he lacks the ability to politic; To listen, understand, build consensus, develop TRUST and execute a plan that both sides of the table agree on.... This is no easy task even for the politically savvy....

He has already given himself an out on this resolution...(his #4 on post #3 of this thread) I am guessing that we will never see it. It is one thing to talk about a great idea, it is something very different to codify the idea in a document. This is where reality hits, the conditionals, the what ifs and the unintended consequences come out of the closet...

And that is what Joey does. Talk. He sounds really great when he is in the crewrooms and forums... with the bravado, tough talk and ideas. However, if you look at his performance.. failed S/T term, the RJDC, the animosity on forums.. he fails to deliver. And in doing so, he regresses the progress of the association. He rallies pilots with great talk, gets them excited and then blames the association for failure to deliver... Meanwhile real volunteers are sacrificing time from family trying to undo his mess.

Unions are political organizations. Politics is how people negotiate... whether it is with your co-worker, spouse or kids.....

What is hilarious are pilots who run for LEC office, ask for votes, get elected and then state.. "I hate politics, I just want to get things done.."

That's the problem with ALPA. We are all on our own agenda. It would be nice if we were a "union".

Maybe you didn't read my entire post that you quoted....

The down side to being a "union" is it is controlled by a smaller group. Consider if we got rid of the 50 states and put all control into the Fed. The IBT for pilots sucks for a reason... know that reason and then decide if that is really what you want for professional Air Line Pilots. In other words, tell us how the IBT model for pilots is a better deal than ALPA, or what is your idea of "union" structure for ALPA?
Yes, we already know that ALPA sucks and has been broken a long time. I choose not to contribute money to a broken/crooked organization for those very reasons. Good luck ALPA members.

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