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where is njaowner?

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FracCapt said:
If he did, in fact, land on an icy runway with a "strong cross wind" at Telluride, yes, I am calling him stupid. High elevation, short runway(for the altitude), icy, and a crosswind....not something I would even consider.

The crews are not "told to land" anywhere. They are told where the trip is scheduled to go - but it is ultimately up to the crew to determine whether or not it is safe to do so. If not, then go elsewhere. I'm certainly not going to do something unsafe to "do my best for the owner". As somebody else stated, the conditions were more than likely greatly exaggerated - but if not, you know what I(and I'd be willing to bet most pilots agree with me) think about it.

Sorry for the delay in response...I was enjoying some recreational time where electricity and phones were not available.
I guess he knew he had the necessary skill to make a difficult landing. He's also come home and tossed a chunk of tire in my lap from a blowout in the F16 on take-off. That landing wasn't easy either. He doesn't brag or exaggerate because there is no need to do so. His flying speaks for itself.

My family, also, enjoys "recreational time where electricity and phones are not available". That is why I object so strongly to being told that my husband must be contactable by 2pm on his last day home.
Been on for a while

Griz - I have been on for much longer than a few weeks. I do not pretned to be a pilot and have never said you guys should approve of the proposed contract. Have I???

And, I have never questioned whether you even know how to fly a plane, or are whom you claim to be.


Fly safe.
FracCapt said:
I was enjoying some recreational time where electricity and phones were not available.
Places like that still exist? Man, I wanna go there for a while

Your 100% spot on.

I also asked him a quesstion he should have been able to answer-but said that he did not have access to the info(could have gotten it from his owner services team)

You can be an owner, wife, whatever-I come to this board to solicit info from Fractional Pilots and you just can't be as familiar with the job/issues unless you actually do it.

Fly Safe
Whatta ya doin Chuck?

Slummin on the frac boards huh? lol. Guess its a hard habit to break, especially when your amigos are gettin the shaft. Hope you're havin fun "on the other side".
Still hoping for the best for everyone at NJA-as you know Frax guys deserve as much or more than airline guys.

Fly Safe Big H
Wrong places

Good try LearFlyer but I hate crowds and prefer privacy

ACK - been there once, off season. No need to go again. Couldn't get the plane in because of very sudden fog so we had to catch a ferry to Hyannis and fly from there.

BCT/PBI - you wouldn't catch me on the east coast with the crowds. Might as well stay in NJ. Prefer the west coast of Fla or the Keys.

TEB - nope, only after a blizzard. Use other NJ airports.

HTO/FOK - never been to the east end of LI and never plan to go. Too crowded, self deluded, fake and full of BS.

Most of my regularr airports are more mom & pop FBOs. Definitely not places where there is a Signature.

Fly safe.

P.S. - when flying for vacation (not business), it is jeans/shorts and sneakers. Not the fashions in all the promotional materials.
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