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where is njaowner?

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TEB Hilton resident
Nov 25, 2001
haven't seen him on the boards since the ta came out???
Here I am

Here I am watching and wondering.

I have communicated with several of you by PM. I have thought about posting but since my rear still has third degree burns from posts on catering, etc. I have decided it is best to keep quite. A few of you have sought my thoughts and I have given them.

One observation -- with a limited but very significant exception, over the past 4 months I would say the crews have been much more friendly, considerate, helpful and child friendly than in the past. While many of you masy be p1$$ed off, service has been better than ever. I admit this must be difficult under the present circumstances, feeling betrayed by both the company and the union which is suppossed to protect you. The sole exception was a recent F.O. who spent 10 minutes telling my wife and small children how he can not make ends meet, etc.... Other than that one exception, crews have been better than ever.

Fly safe.
NJAowner.....The sole exception was a recent F.O. who spent 10 minutes telling my wife and small children how he can not make ends meet, etc.... Other than that one exception, crews have been better than ever.

Isn't this a problem? You know if he's flying you, I bet most of his trip, with you on board, he's not thinking of flying.

I am still trying to figure out why anyone gives a dog's ass about where this guy is ? Who gives a crap ? If he really IS an owner, what do you want him to say/do ? Regardless of what you read, he doesn't give a **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** about this contract...he wants to get from POINT A to POINT B when he requests a flight. Simple as that. NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS, this is the only fact you need to know.
and ...

one wonders why I have been silent in public.

Snake--- what a revelation that the owners want to get from point A to point B. I actually thought that most owners (of NJA, other fractionals and coprorate jets) bought their planes for the comfort of the seats, quality of the in flight entertainment system, and the little bottles of scotch. Sarcasm aside, it is all about transportation.

Those of you who treat owners like they don't give a _ _ _ t will see it become a self fulfilling prophecy. I do not say that all owners give a .... but many more than you think do. Unfortunately, a few of the pilots are actually trying to piss off the one group of people who have the power to effect change ... the owners. NJA does care about what the owners think and listens.

Fly safe.
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"Those of you who treat owners like they don't give a _ _ _ t will see it become a self fulfilling prophecy."

Oh brother. I guess you aren't as bright as you think you are ??? Who said we TREAT owners like they don't give a crap ? Even under the current conditions, the "owners" are treated as they always have been. NO MATTER HOW WE TREAT YOU, you will NEVER give a crap about our "situation." Now, let me make something CLEAR so that you won't "spin" it. I don't think you even NEED to worry about our situation. YOU are not the reason for this HORRIBLE TA, you are not going to CHANGE anything regarding this TA and you don't even MATTER regarding this TA....so please don't even insinuate that you DO...on ANY of these points. Hence, my original post: who gives a crap about your OPINION ? It won't change a da*n thing !

"I do not say that all owners give a .... but many more than you think do."

Um...ok ??? And ? WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR POINT ? How does that change ANYTHING ???

"Unfortunately, a few of the pilots are actually trying to piss off the one group of people who have the power to effect change"

Ok, let me now LIST all of the...."owner change" you are speaking of....

Well, that was a very short list. And THANKS for your help. As for those pilots "pissing" you off, this is DEFINITELY an anomoly and an EXTREMELY SMALL population so let's not blow it out of proportion ok ?

"... the owners. NJA does care about what the owners think and listens."

THE COMPANY CARES ABOUT WHICH CHEESE TO PUT ON YOUR TRAY AND WHERE THE LIMO WILL PICK YOU UP BECAUSE THEY PROVIDE A SERVICE. AND ??? I just don't get your point ??? If you don't get my point, I can't help you...just as you can't help "us."

Again, YOU want to get from POINT A to POINT B. I provide this service to you at the direction of NUTJETS. I provide this service in only the MOST PROFESSIONAL way I can; and no matter HOW TIRED, PISSED OFF or HUNGRY I am, the owner ALWAYS feels special on every one of my flights. THAT is the very basic and utter truth here. The very second you leave the aircraft, you have forgotten me, and I have forgotten you...let's try not to make this MORE than it really is and please don't tell all of us how you are here to save the day...especially with veiled threats and double talk.
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Well said...

He's just a troll...let it go dude. His grammar and spelling in his first post should be a tip off that he's just another guy. Then again, I've flown some pretty "unedumicated" owners at FLOPs who make trailer park people look like MENSA. Some people have money AND brains, some only have one and then some don't have any! Can you guess which of these NJAowner has?:confused:
waveoff said:
His grammar and spelling in his first post should be a tip off that he's just another guy. Then again, I've flown some pretty "unedumicated" owners at FLOPs who make trailer park people look like MENSA. Some people have money AND brains, some only have one and then some don't have any! Can you guess which of these NJAowner has?:confused:

I always thought his use of the "NJA" abbreviation in his screen name was dubious considering it's only used in internal company references to the unionised pilots and mechanics. How many owners know, that as far as the pilots are concerned, NJI is a separate company or that the screenreaders and BBJ pilots each get their paycheques from different sources than the "NJA" pilots and mechanics. Very few; it's all one happy "Net Jets" to them.

Where's he writing these posts?? From a nuthouse? Do we have pilots in gaol?

Nice try, but I appreciate some of the compliments.

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