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What are the RJ rumors at ALG and PDT

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2002
I have heard of RJ rumors here at PSA. Like we give up 6 planes in June and start getting one CRJ a week (while giving away on prop a week) for the remainder of the year. This came from pretty high up.

Any rumors of what is going to happen at Alleghany or Piedmont.

Yeah, our training dept has been hinting towards the whole rj thing. Don't forget, we signed j4j, so every jet we may get could mean WO pilots out on the street. we'll see.

Will the mainline pilots really make captains pay no matter what seat they occupy? or is that up to the judge?
"Will the mainline pilots really make captains pay no matter what seat they occupy? or is that up to the judge?"

A friend of mine who is a furloughed mainline pilots told me that the union gave that up on the latest round of give backs. He said that he was told by (ALPA) that if he goes to a regional under J4J he will get paid what ever that regional pays for his position. I have not heard this anywhere else so take it for what it is. Anyone else?
Werent you PSA guys assured through your "high up" sources that you would be getting 2 RJ's a month starting last OCT?????
Take those rumors with a grain of salt. USAIR is in NO POSITION to start buying RJ's for anybody! If so, where is Midatlantic. Look for Mesa and Chat. to get the growth...
In the last couple weeks, GE Capital agreed to finance a number of RJs for US Air once they emerge from BK.
Forget about Chautauqua getting any RJs for Airways. Since CHQ wouldn't sign J4Js, our parent (Republic Airways) went out and formed a new airline called Republic Airlines to code for US Airways to be flown with just ML Airways pilots.
us airways rjs

remember that midway airlines in back business with two jets currently operating, one for piedmont and one back up.

they had a class of 18 mainline guys start in late jan. they're suppose to( according to the midway poi) who I spoke to, at least two a month till the end of the year.

for putting up 7 milion in lease deposits for midway, us airways mainline has an equity position in midway already , (don't know the %) and this could have an impact on what your discussing.
PDT Stand

This is what I know about Piedmont. Currently, training has prepared the RJ training program. Aparently from the day of go ahead we can be up and operational in 45 days. Even after the closing of JAX Pilot base and MX facility, the leses on those buildings have been extended for another year. There are also no schedualed down size of the -8 fleet till at least the end of the year.

The Rumors:

1. MX guyz in JAX have been ordered low profile tool boxes (possibly to fit under low wing aircraft).

2. Whispers around about upgrades, recalls and possible hiring by the end of March. (whether because of atrition or expansion, who knows)

3. ALPA cannot allow any WO pilot to hit the street in order to employ a Mainline guy. Too much liability.

I don't know hoe much to believe. It has seemed to stabilize around here. Maybe there will be good news in March. But then again maybe our FA's and MX guys will turn doewn thier TA and we will be disolved.

Regards, DD
Here at Piedmont, we are redoing our checklists and procedures, and they are remarkably similar to Mainline. Also, our f/a's have gone to the mainline style announcements. Maybe our training department is just trying to stay buisy, but I really don't think so.

Midway just started a new class last week. A member of MidAtlantic management expressed some concern because, it seems, that they had to go through nearly 25% or 400 pilots on the furlough list to get enough to have a class. This may show lack of enthusiasm among furloughed pilots to return to the great moneypit that was Airways.

I do think the contract carriers will get more RJ's. But take a look at where Seigal came from.(no, not Hertz) Continental. They upgraded Contenental express, and reduced their dependence on contractors to have more control over their feed. They seem to be doing ok, and it does seem like that is where airways is heading..

....The only reason I am optimistic is because I have never been right before, and I am due for a break....
>>>There is NO FINANCIALLY SMART reason to buy RJ's for an expensive wholly owned group when TSA, CHQ, MESA, Midway & Republic can do it cheaper and at NO COST to US Air.<<<

You are so right my man, except for the fact that the wholly owneds now have cheaper jet rates than all of the carriers you just mentioned due to the stiff concessions we just gave.

But you are on the money when you pointed out that it costs Airways nothing to have outside companies fly RJ's. It's just like the stupidity of buying a house, when you can rent apartments at NO COST to yourself ---> silly homeowners... I cannot believe that the wholly owneds think they will get RJ's when TSA, CHQ, MESA, Midway & Republic will fly 'em for free. Errr, wait a sec, that cannot be right buddy. Oooops, I think we messed up, it appears that the fixed costs are the same between a subsidiary and a contracted carrier.

Oh gee, I guess you really dont know what you are talking about, I feel foolish for having listened to you. Dont cha worry abou others getting jets and just stick to your own deal bro


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