I had posted that if 7 day schedules don't work in the long haul dept then the company needs to negotiate something with the pilot group (it's buried in one of these posts). I can see where the need would lie. I did not realize the contract already has a provision for longer tours the company isn't using.Opec,
You either don't understand the travel costs and logistical challenges associated with long range international flying, or haven't fully thought the issue through. The costs are tremendous and are ultimately passed on to the owners. Even if you foolishly believe your owners are willing to pay anything, how do you think they'll feel about waiting around for a day or two while their relief pilot tries to catch up to the airplane because it changed it's itinerary while the relief pilot sat on a 14 hour flight to the wrong city? International flying isn't like going to Teterboro where there are dozens of guys waiting to rotate onto your airplane. However, if you really think driving more owners away will somehow help get you back to work, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.
The most important thing your brothers can do to get you back to work is take care of the owners. If they stop doing that, you have absolutely no chance.
I would bet those extended days all went to the same few guys over and over to boot.
Guys, Pervis had already stated, defended, and explained his reason for extending last year. It was hashed out and everything was rosy until the topic comes up again. Man up and let it lie. He did....