will the money get better?? I just can't bring myself to apply with that payscale. "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!"
If you have a comfy job right now I suggest you stay there. However, if you are at stagnant regional with bad schedules and a mediocre pay-scale VA would be a much better place to work IMO. The money should/will/must get better as VA matures but by that time upgrades will have slowed down. You should try to get on while upgrade is still quick. I don't think there are any other US airlines hiring right now where you could expect to make $110/hour in your third year. Granted, that depends on a speedy upgrade, but with VA's growth plans that is a reasonable expectation. Working for a start up airline isn't for everyone. It takes almost a cult like faith or solid backup plans to keep anxiety levels top a minimum. If VA succeeds, which it looks like we will, then it's a dream career move. If VA doesn't make it, then at least you have an airbus type rating and some airbus PIC time. That's a lot stronger resume than the legions of CRJ captains will ever hope to have.