With all due respect (and a serious question...), why is Southwest absent from your analysis? Do they not impact yields in the Bay area and Denver?
Fwiw, I don't UAL's domestic yield is nearly as big of a problem/issue as UAL's international yields. For that you can blame about everyone else except the LCC's. At least that is what many of the analysts state.
Because I think SWA prices their product rationally. Virgin America obviously is not. Minus 30% margins? I mean, c'mon- WTF is that? We have enough problems to deal with (all of us) in this industry than to deal with a competitor who's willing to slash fares in a desperate attempt to gain a foothold in markets that are already saturated enough. If I was a SWA pilot, I wouldn't be anamored with VA either because they're having to deal with the ridiculous fare wars VA has sponsored in the Bay Area as well.
I also have a special place in my heart for pilots who flagrantly undercut the going rate so I wasn't a big fan of SWA in my early years at UAL, either. Their pilot compensation packages kind of sucked IMO and it sucked that they were undercutting the rest of us who were trying to maintain high wages, pensions, and great work rules. I remember that there were lots of comparisons to JetBlue and SWA during our bankruptcy proceedings that IMO hurt us. It seems as if finally SWA is trying to hold a bar up. Ten years ago IMO it was different.
He11, everything international is down, UAL or otherwise. Just in the Pacific, Al Nippon, Japan Airlines, Singapore, Cathay, etc., are all cutting capacity 10%. Business travellers are not ponying up the money for premium cabin service, which is our bread and butter. And now to add insult to injury, fuel prices are creeping up. I would agree with you that blaming a LCC for these particular problems would be apples and oranges.
So it's kind of annoying that we in this industry have to deal with all kinds of problems like the above, and ON TOP OF THAT have to deal with these predatory carriers that whip out their butter knives and start hacking away at us.