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USAPA & USA Today Ad

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This from someone who requires clarification in just about every new topic that seems to make its way on this webboard. Your a real gem..just like the rest of your fellow losers back there .

Here is my take.

WIth fuel being at or above $140 a barrel there is absolutely NO reason to be wasting fuel. Idiots who think that leaving the APU running or purposely running both engines when they could easily and safely shut one down, need a lesson in economics. These so called professional are doing everyone at their company a disservice. It is more of the "I got mine, pull up the ladder" mentality that is so engrained into our seniority system.

The definition of a true professional is one who will perform the duties of his job even in the face of adversity and hardship. Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face.

We can talk all we want about executive bonuses, but sometimes just doing the right thing is the only way to prove to yourself and others that you are the professional you claim to be.

The USA Today ad is a complete waste of money for a union that needs to be enhancing the carreers of the professional pilots they represent. Holding out for a select few who try to waste precious resources while junior pilots are being furloughed is utter nonsense.

**Disclaimer** I don't claim to know the specifics of these 8 pilots. There is a good chance some of them were right in ordering more fuel. If that is the case, the truth will come to light. Some pilots feel safer and comfortable with more fuel. But to run an APU all the way accross the Atlantic is truly negligent and derelict in duty and certainly grounds for termination.
Running the APU across the Atlantic would be hard to defend and I doubt that this takes place. We on the East do use ground power and single engine taxi. The A 321 is only single engine taxied when light enough or when there are long delays with little movement. Lots of thrust required to move a 321 when it has 183 pax and 50000lbs plus fuel. The 321 has the heaviest foot print of all commercial planes.

Heavy footprint???? What does that matter... Those easties are wasting money turning both engines on that thing. It's just a stretched airbus. Come on, it says in the FOM to single engine taxi so those easies are wasting fuel with all those 321's, wait till the west gets ahold of our 321's we'll show ya how to operate them......ha
And OMG, god forbid that someone actually take a step in the direction of protecting Capt. Authority. granted it's a fine line, BUT to take the capt's request, and turn it into a "C'mon over into this simulator for a chat" event, is nothing more than intimidation. If the company was serious about wanting to have a chat with them to figure out what their concerns were etc.....it could simply be done by sitting down in the CP's office with that sr. management that requested such a chat. OR even over the phone.

There's been thread after thread on here about pilots stepping up and taking our careers and such back. Do you always blindly accept a release and go with what some guy in a computer room figured out you needed 2 hours or so prior to departure, for a 10 hour flight????

As others, I don't know the stories behind the "8" and ya, if your running the APU across the pond with no reason, there's something going on. BUT does ANYONE here (especially you westies as I know your sitting in trail of those guys every night across the atlantic) know the specifics of what the situation was these guys were requesting the fuel???

USAPA also sat down with management to discuss this, to discuss alternatives to the training events. Management said no. I would call this intimidation. If you excercise your authority to make a decision regarding your flight, and it flies in contrast to what the company wants, guess what, your coming in for training to determine your decision making skills. Real easy to monday night quarterback sitting on the ground.

Maybe we need doug to come in for some counseling in his decision making processes too....
This might all go away if US Airways management publicly said "These 8 pilots wasted xxx gallons of fuel at xxx cost per gallon by flying their aircraft in violation of company procedures. The violation of procedures is why there was retraining for them, NOT because we're punishing them for taking extra fuel."

But they haven't.

And USAPA has been featured on the Today Show and Morning Express with Robin Meade...not to mention Larry King last night and who knows how many other national media outlets.

An objective person would say their PR campaign has been a pretty good success...
A pretty could PR for USAPA!!!!

Yeah, if their PR intentions was to help expediate the demise of US AIRWAYS!
Oh and I guess everyone would be cheering if ALPA did this.......

Oh that's right, alpa would never do this........so nothing to compare to.
Oh and I guess everyone would be cheering if ALPA did this.......

Oh that's right, alpa would never do this........so nothing to compare to.

But, but, but....USAPA is driving away the passengers who pay our....Oh, nevermind.

You guys are awesome!:rolleyes:
Calling MGT on this BS is the right thing to do, just like getting rid of ALPA was.

You guys just don't like it because it came from the folks who are preventing the windfall award from launching you into a permanent no-furlough zone.

The demise of US Airways.....HA! That's freekin' hilarious! What a bunch of limp, non-union wusses.

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