To all you former East furloughees at AWA and to all you former US Express pilots out West,who always had a chip on their shoulder against Mainline.
We hear you. You want your Windfall. You think its great that Nic placed 750 East pilots below your bottom pilot. You also think it is great that nic will allow you to start flying 330's to Europe, even though you did not have one single widebody.
When Nic issued the award in 2007, active pilots with 17 years were stapled behind 2 year pilots. you think that is fair. Nic is totally clueless on how pilots tick. Just as his ruling against furloughed AMR pilots in favor of Eagle pilots who never flew a trip at AMR. An abolute disgrace.
How can you justify placing pilots who were in grade school ahead of former East captains. Plain and simple greed.
DOH 1998= DOH 1986
DOH 2005= DOH 1988
AWA pilots sound like Republic pilots trying to justify how Mid Ex pilots should not get DOH. I strongly disagree.
Westies. The only reason you want the Nic is because of the huge Windfall.
How about waiting your turn and not trying to cut in line.
WHEN NIC issued his list is completely IRRELEVANT. You know the PID was a full two years remember that right, that's the time that someone really close to you was UNEMPLOYED from US Air. That person brought a total of *jacksh^t* to the merger.
Why would someone, with exactly NOTHING to offer think they should get ANYTHING in a merger?
Nic. didn't think so either...or the West...or the Judge...or the Jury..or the company...or the arbitrators of DL/NW...or the 9th....starting to see a pattern here?