1 thing is correct in your above statement, neither of us 2 grunts (yes that includes me so don't take it personal) will decide the outcome of this debacle.
I have 2 questions for you. The first is how come you are so willing to sacrifice someone else's Seniority. You and Kirby(US Air Bean counter) seem to have the same rational. The I don't care what happens to them, as long as I get mine, mantra. Maybe you should apply for a job with the accounting and labor relations part US Air corporate structure. You would fit right in.
The second question, is there or has there ever been a union in the United States that has allowed a sixteen year member to be placed below a new member who hasn't even completed indoc. training?? Just asking, I honestly don't know the answer.
I apologize in advance for the bean counter statement. I realize that was overly harsh. This really wouldn't be flight info, the hatfield and mccoy's or the Jerry Springer if i didn't sling some shiz in your general direction. The sad fact, in my humble opinion, is that there are some glaring inconsistencies with ALPO merger policy and the final outcome of the seniority list. Both Pilot groups will suffer for years to come because of it. Lets raise a glass to masochism...
Question 1. is Easy. You're confusing "I got mine" with "I'm not handing mine over to correct for your abysmal career/choices" or "I'm not going to allow you to rebuild what you perceived you lost on my back"
That's easy enough to understand right?
Question 2. ALPA is the Airline Pilots ASSOCIATION. Not a Union. Each airline is a quasi independent organization. So your question is fundamentally flawed. I know it's not what you want to hear because this tired old "16 year/indoc" thing gets all your panties so easily bunched but it's a FACT.