If you outsource half your domestic flying and go the better part of 10-15 years without hiring bc you have all the new flying away- some pilots will have to make it a career bill.
Look in the mirror a little.
But if you're an RJ pilot- very few will benefit if you try and make it a career.
You'll be starting over at some point- put your stuff out
The big question of those of us at the regionals and looking to move to a major is scope. Will mainline continue to relax scope? I think YES is the clear answer. Mainline will offer their pilots a 10% raise and 2/3rds will vote to transfer another chunk of good mainline jobs down to the contract carriers. This will happen over and over again and 20 years from now mainline will just mean overseas, wide body, international. Just look at the trend for the last 20 years and project it forward.
30 years ago everyone would have thought it was crazy to think that a regional would fly jets. 20 years ago everyone would have thought it was crazy to think that a regional would be flying 70 seat jets on 1000 NM legs. 10 years ago everyone would have thought it was crazy to think that a regional would be flying an 85,000 lb airplane 1000 NM into Mexico. Today is sounds crazy that a regional would be flying a 110 seat airplane hub to hub.
The E-175s are arriving in mass at the regionals. Why would companies buy all these E-175s when they already operate CRJs of the same capacity? The only answer in my mind if that the plan is for the contract carriers to start flying E-190/195s and for mainline to continue to farm out their domestic/Canada/Mexico/Bahamas/Caribbean and beyond flying.