Did Lee $eham tell you that or is that your own legal assessment?
It's a two-step process. The injunction will come first, probably within weeks. Second, any hiccup in the operation the company can document (and since you've read the Complaint you know they have outside consultants compiling data) and the fines begin. Not a big deal you think? Probably won't bankrupt USAPA but think about the effect on the contract negotiations. The company can make the fines and injunction go away for the lowly price of giving up your Change-of-Control language. So yes, my head-buried-in-the-sand colleague, an injunction is a very big deal indeed.
But don't take my word for it, just wait and see...
It's not my fault my grandkid covered my head with sand at the beach. It sure sounds like you're agreeing with me. There are no damages in this step. If and only if we go against a judges orders will there be fines and I bet there won't be one fine at all. I'm not saying that having an injunction ordered against you is good but we are making the company fight us! They know why we are mad. If Parker was serious about the no contract till the seniority issue is settled then we would have every other section agreed upon while waiting for the litigation on seniority to end. They wont even show up for negotiations so his statement about the seniority issue is a bold face lie. After this many years every section should be settled and when we get the word from a court about which seniority list is to be that section bingo we have a contract same day.