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US Airways Recalls

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The bottom guy on the west list brought a job to the merger, the bottom guy on the east furlough list did not. Keeping what he had is not a windfall for the three month west pilot.

The arbitrator got it right. You think the west pilot should have offered up his job to the furloughed east pilot, but then again you don't appear to be too bright.

Why all the interest? You don't work at USAirways so why are you so emotional?
Ok let's just keep the whole thing seperate then. west keeps their jobs in phx and las and east keeps their jobs in their bases. problem solved. Or do westies want to take east positions

Do not worry about the 190's. They are going away. You might get to fly them once the west gets spun off to Republic. In the mean time enjoy all the trans con flights you are taking from the East. The west gets rid of many routes out of phx such as Hartford Raleigh and Toronto just to
name a few close one of two hubs and then start flying about every transcon orig east route out of Phl. You know, there is a waypoint into san Diego named for the awa pilots.

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Well Surprise, Surprise, this thread has degenerated into another East/West S**t throwing contest. Who could have seen that coming? Well ladies taking it from a member of the US Airways third list club. YOU BOTH SUCK A**!!!!!!!!!!!. I was just hoping to gather a little bit of good news or even a good rumor to pass on to the family about returning to work. So like a dumb a** I visit FI where I see a thread about possible recalls and guess what I find? More of the same useless crap. Here is a news flash for you Eastholes. Arbitration = Bad, you never should have walked down that road. Don't get the impression that I don't feel an equal amount of contempt for you Westwipes, I have some news for you as well. With 20 + years of seniority on the line what the he** did you think they would do roll over? Of course they are going to fight it to the bitter end. I came to Airways hoping that eventually the grownups would step up from both sides and work out something. My mistake was assuming there are actually any grownups here that could do that. It just goes ON and ON and ON with you people.
GOD I hope to find a decent job soon so I can get the hell away from this dysfunctional family. No disrespect meant to dysfunctional families of course.
P.S. To the mods, Yes I know I have taken the liberty of some creative cussing. I apologize in advance and won’t let it happen again but these guys really are starting to piss me off.
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Dave S. Tell us why every major You interviewed at turned you down? Must be your personality.


I didn't interview at "every major". Those couple that I did, are now gone or in as deep kim chi as nearly every other carrier. To answer your statement: It's not my personality. I'm the nicest guy that I know. You really should get to know me, before you make statements like that.

We grow tired of the same old "Mesa Grande", "Lottery Ticket" entitlement attitude. Regarding those that are directly or indirectly involved with the land grab we call USAPA: "MENE.. MENE.. TEKEL.. PHARSIN"

See you in court....AGAIN.
Well Surprise, Surprise, this thread has degenerated into another East/West .... I apologize in advance and won’t let it happen again but these guys really are starting to piss me off.

Holy Crap! Now that's an angry FO!!

Don't worry LG, it'll be over soon enough. As mentioned before, 70 flight attendants are being recalled in PHX. The loads over the "Spring Break Season" have been quite good (personal observation), and there is a general up-tick in the economy. Summer advanced bookings look OK and may improve.

Hopefully we will see a steady economic return. That said, 2012 is just right around the corner (what an awful movie)......so be prepared just in case.
Well Surprise, Surprise, this thread has degenerated into another East/West S**t throwing contest. Who could have seen that coming? Well ladies taking it from a member of the US Airways third list club. YOU BOTH SUCK A**!!!!!!!!!!!. I was just hoping to gather a little bit of good news or even a good rumor to pass on to the family about returning to work. So like a dumb a** I visit FI where I see a thread about possible recalls and guess what I find? More of the same useless crap. Here is a news flash for you Eastholes. Arbitration = Bad, you never should have walked down that road. Don't get the impression that I don't feel an equal amount of contempt for you Westwipes, I have some news for you as well. With 20 + years of seniority on the line what the he** did you think they would do roll over? Of course they are going to fight it to the bitter end. I came to Airways hoping that eventually the grownups would step up from both sides and work out something. My mistake was assuming there are actually any grownups here that could do that. It just goes ON and ON and ON with you people.
GOD I hope to find a decent job soon so I can get the hell away from this dysfunctional family. No disrespect meant to dysfunctional families of course.
P.S. To the mods, Yes I know I have taken the liberty of some creative cussing. I apologize in advance and won’t let it happen again but these guys really are starting to piss me off.

Excellent post, pretty much my exact feelings of this mess!
Marty's man love

Look dope. You and your sidekick GL take sides with the westicles.
I'm not taking sides with anyone, just proving once again, that you don't work for LCC. You never have, and you never will. I know that your man love interest is the one that feeds you not only information, but other things.......:laugh::blush:

That is great. You both feel that putting a guy that has been on the property for 3 mos should be ahead of a pilot with 17 years. No pilot group would ever agree to such an award. the nic is a total windfall and it says alot that losers like dope support the Mesa crowd at AWA.
SO doosh, what does binding arbitration mean then? I guess binding only means binding when you and the east holes feels it does? Why am I even arguing this point with some gulfstream washout?

Dave S. Tell us why every major You interviewed at turned you down? Must be your personality.


At least he works for a major, azzwipe! Get back to turns around a point, and telling your man from the east how great it is to be a 20 year 190 f/o!:laugh:
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well surprise, surprise, this thread has degenerated into another east/west s**t throwing contest. Who could have seen that coming? Well ladies taking it from a member of the us airways third list club. You both suck a**!!!!!!!!!!!. I was just hoping to gather a little bit of good news or even a good rumor to pass on to the family about returning to work. So like a dumb a** i visit fi where i see a thread about possible recalls and guess what i find? More of the same useless crap. Here is a news flash for you eastholes. Arbitration = bad, you never should have walked down that road. Don't get the impression that i don't feel an equal amount of contempt for you westwipes, i have some news for you as well. With 20 + years of seniority on the line what the he** did you think they would do roll over? Of course they are going to fight it to the bitter end. I came to airways hoping that eventually the grownups would step up from both sides and work out something. My mistake was assuming there are actually any grownups here that could do that. It just goes on and on and on with you people.
God i hope to find a decent job soon so i can get the hell away from this dysfunctional family. No disrespect meant to dysfunctional families of course.
P.s. To the mods, yes i know i have taken the liberty of some creative cussing. I apologize in advance and won’t let it happen again but these guys really are starting to piss me off.

bravo !!!

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