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US Airways raises the offer to 10.2 Billion

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Starting to seem that something may actually happen here, possibly a break up of Delta. Hard to believe. Here's hoping that job losses are very minimal....

"the Unofficial Committee of Unsecured Claimholders of Delta Air Lines, Inc. called upon the company to provide thoughtful and unbiased consideration to US Airways' enhanced offer."

Thanks for the good laugh. I also heard that Doug Parker's mother also wants DAL to give the proposal thoughtful consideration.:laugh:
Now don't ya'll go fret'n yoselfs 'bout Mistah Gen-ral. He's got a burr stuck in his saddle and no 'mount reas'ng gonna change thangs. He's bound for dat coat'house now and theys gonna be H-E dubb'll hockey sticks to pay for mor'ng! Yassir I's do believes' it. Unhuh sure do's!

This is just way too much fun. GL thinks I'm in Korea while he's do'in his sister. Huh!



We be havn fun now.

Hey Little Duece, let me explain to you what the "sliver" group or UNofficial committee is all about. Read this, it explains it all (from the WSJ):

In conference calls yesteday with Deutsche Bank AG and Leman Brothers, bondholders were urged to band together to pressure Delta--which is under BK court protection--to fully consider the hostile bid from USAirways. The effort by both banks, which are Delta creditors, is aimed at creating a second group of crediotrs with some say in the airline's restructuring. Currently, the resturcturing ultimately must be approved by the official committee of unsecured creditors, which is dominated by much larger creditors."

"The outcome of the meetings wasn't immediately clear, and it remains to be seen how much leverage a splinter group could have in the takeover fight and it's strategy for exerting influence. The bondholders being pitched to combine forces represent 30% of the total $16 billion-18 billion claim that will eventually serve as the basis for dolling out equity in post BK Delta."

"The varied interests of individual creditors are likely to be a significant factor. Boeing Co., for example, is a long standing seller of aircraft to Delta, while USAirways is leaning towards Airbus. Other committee members include U.S. Bancorp, the PBGC, Coca Cola, and Fidelity." (also DALPA)

"The creation of an ad hoc creditor group in large BK cases isn't unusual, but some executives and employee groups have critisized such investors for their short term interests, rather than looking out for the longer range good of employees and companies trying to restructure."

Do you feel better? Where is that fat lady? Don't call Ironspud's wife that, not nice! (She misses him while he is on those 17 day trips :( )

Bye Bye--General Lee
Starting to seem that something may actually happen here, possibly a break up of Delta. Hard to believe. Here's hoping that job losses are very minimal....

Where did you get a break up of Delta? First off, the DOJ would never allow this because of the severe overlap (UA/US had only one hub overlap (IAD/DCA) and it was turned down---we have 3), and if for some reason they did, NWA will step in and DL management will endorse that deal, which will probably have about the same amount of money involved. USAir will be out in the cold, regardless. You need to relax pal.

Bye Bye--General Lee
It doesn't make sense?

Then why is Parker pursuing it?
Because he knows either DL/NWA is in the works or is afraid that the reemerged DL out of BK will kick the snot out of his company!

Why are people talking about it.
Really, what people, are you psychic? Perhaps you should worry more about your precious little airline about to be devoured by Air Tran!:)

There is a real good chance you'll be eating crow my friend. Sorry, it's life. Like I said before, overlap isn't going to be a factor.
All this intelligence, and yet you can't move out of the trailer park?
You are as clueless as you are predictable. Sorry, as you said, but DL will emerge out of BK, with or without US Airways. Either way, one thing will change, you will be a miserable little boy on the outside looking in!

Parker wants your international routes, some gates, and a presence in ATL.
He can wish in one hand and crap in the other, let's see which one gets filled first!
The rest will be sold off to the highest bidder.
Kind of like what Air Tran will do to your midwest airline hey chuckie??

Life goes on big guy.
So does it for you, unfortunately for the rest of us, you still won't change!
Good luck with your buyout from Air Tran. When the AT guys get done stapling you to the bottom of their list, I'll be the one having the last laugh!!!:laugh: :laugh:

This is just way too much fun. GL thinks I'm in Korea while he's do'in his sister. Huh!



We be havn fun now.

Yassuh! Yassuh! Dats right! I knows youse right Missah Spud! Missah Gen-ral likes to keeps his biz'ness 'round family and all! Folks sayes dey all's looks like deys all the same..uh,uh, uhh!

Deys be sittn' on deys poach down dat Peachtree city rock'n and talk'n big and all....Deys all mad causing dis Missah Dug done gone and tried ta buy up old Tara! Uh,Uh Uhh!!!....
Hello? Anyone, anyone can see there is so much overlap it is ridiculous. Just because USAir doesn't fly from ATL or CVG to the same cities, doesn't mean there isn't overlap. You might not see it, then. Obvioulsy the other people in control, the Congress, don't like it, and will squash it if they want (just like they did with US/UA--they leaned on the DOJ and got it squashed)

Parker making those statements to the USAToday was one of the biggest blunders ever. My friends in PHX told me .........

You have friends in PHX???????? Who knew???!!!!??;)

You know as well as I do that taking capacity out of the system will NOT last long. Southwest and others will fill in the gaps, with lower wages for those people who were put out of work due to the original bad merger. --General Lee

Why did the USAir/AWA merger succeed? Because the Gov't saw there was little overlap and minimum job loss, with no small communities hurt. That is not the case here. Southwest and other low cost carriers will not fill in the gap. It will not happen. --General Lee

Mr. Lee, are you by any chance related to John Kerry? You, like the rest of us don't know jack about how this deal is going to end up.

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