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US Airways MEC’s Position on Freedom Air

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Sep 19, 2002
From http://www.usairwayspilots.org/

Background on Mesa Group’s establishing Freedom Airlines:

Under Jonathan Ornstein’s control, Mesa Air Group operates wholly owned subsidiary carriers, which include Mesa Airlines, Air Midwest, and previously CCAir. The Mesa and Air Midwest pilots work under a single contract and a single pilot seniority list. In other words, Mesa and Air Midwest are a single pilot group.

The pilots of Mesa Airlines and Air Midwest, who work under the same contract, are in federally mediated Section 6 contract negotiations seeking reasonable improvements in their pay, retirement, and working conditions.

Faced with the threat of job terminations on May 15, 2002, and an announced July 1, 2002, shutdown of the carrier’s operation, the pilots of CCAir announced on April 29 that they voted to accept a management-proposed contract to ensure the continued operation of their company.

Although the proposal had been accepted by CCAir local union leaders and members, ALPA’s Constitution and By-laws requires that its president review and approve each collective bargaining agreement before it can become effective.

ALPA President Duane Woerth declined to approve the extremely concessionary proposal, which came in the context of an unbroken campaign of threats and intimidation by CCAir and Mesa Air Group to shut down the carrier if the pilots did not give up their existing agreement. President Woerth refused to approve the proposed agreement because it unjustifiably degraded pilot working conditions and offered no job security for CCAir pilots in return for the concessions. President Woerth also determined that the carrier’s management never demonstrated the need for the requested concessions and failed to show how the concessions would help save the carrier or the pilots’ jobs.

On July 17, ALPA filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona against Mesa Airlines, Mesa Air Group, and Jonathan Ornstein. In the suit, ALPA asked the Court to compel the Mesa defendants to bargain in good faith as outlined by the Railway Labor Act (RLA), and cease all efforts to undermine the organizational rights of Mesa Airlines pilots. It also requested that the Court enjoin the Mesa defendants from operating Freedom Airlines, a non-union start-up carrier, which they have threatened to use to divert work from the Mesa Airlines pilots.

Ornstein carried out his threat, and CCAir was shut down.

In September, ALPA’s Executive Board passed a resolution strengthening its commitment to opposing Mesa Air Group’s formation of Freedom Airlines as an alter-ego carrier. Mesa’s MEC Chairman, Captain Andy Hughes, said, "We believe that Mesa Air Group CEO Jonathan Ornstein will use Freedom Airlines to divert work from the dedicated Mesa pilots and give our jobs to Freedom Airlines pilots, who don’t have the benefits or protections of a union contract."

The formation of Freedom Airlines presents a threat to Mesa, especially as they are trying to negotiate improvements to their collective bargaining agreement.

Forming Freedom Airlines is also particularly onerous when most Mesa Air Group pilots flying for CCAir remain on furlough.

Jonathan Ornstein is transferring Mesa Airlines assets, jobs, and work opportunities to a non-union carrier to the detriment all Mesa Air Group employees, much in the way that Frank Lorenzo did under the umbrella of the Texas Air Corporation.

Freedom Airlines is a non-union airline. Freedom pilots will not have the protections and benefits of union representation or a union contract. Freedom pilots would be at-will employees subject to the whims of management’s decisions. Pilots would not have representation in disciplinary actions and would be subject to unilateral changes in their compensation, benefits, and working conditions.

The status of Freedom Airlines is subject to challenge in litigation brought by ALPA. The Association is alleging that Mesa Air Group’s use of Freedom Airlines to undermine the collective bargaining position of the Mesa pilots is a violation of the Railway Labor Act. In the ongoing lawsuit, ALPA is asking the federal court to enjoin Mesa Air Group from operating Freedom Airlines.

ALPA will also challenge Mesa Air Group’s ability to manage labor relations at Freedom Airlines separately from those of its other carriers. The National Mediation Board has already upheld the Association’s assertion that Mesa Airlines, Air Midwest, and CCAir are, in fact, a single carrier for collective bargaining purposes. If Freedom Airlines does begin operations, ALPA will seek a similar "single-carrier" ruling from the NMB as it applies to Freedom.

The US Airways MEC supports the Mesa MEC and their pilots’ efforts in their negotiations to accept the Jets for Jobs protocol in order to allow for Mesa’s ability to operate small jets under US Airways code, and supports the Mesa pilots and ALPA International’s stance against the formation of Freedom Airlines.

Bottom line:

· Pilots accepting employment with Freedom Airlines while it is being established as an alter ego airline are harming not only Mesa pilots, but the entire piloting profession.

· Pilots accepting employment at Freedom Airlines are, in effect, joining Jonathan Ornstein in his quest to undermine the collective bargaining rights of fellow ALPA pilots at Mesa.

· The US Airways MEC and ALPA International have consistently made statements, and have taken the position, that the establishment of Freedom Airlines as non-union alter ego carrier is contrary to the best interest of Association and our members.

· Pilots accepting employment with Freedom Airlines as an alter ego entity are harming themselves.

LOA 83 --Accelerated Small Jets:

The fact that Freedom Airlines could have been a participant in the Jets for Jobs protocol as a non-union alter ego carrier was unacceptable to the US Airways MEC. The issue was addressed in the recent negotiations with US Airways management on Letter of Agreement 83, Accelerated Small Jets. Section 2A in LOA 83 states:

2. The terms and conditions for placement of the Small Jet code share aircraft that are authorized to be placed at other carriers and flown under the US Airways code by the provisions of Attachments B, B-1, and B-3 of the Restructuring Agreement shall be modified under the terms and conditions stated below:

A. Up to 20 "Medium SJs" and up to 30 "Large SJs" (CRJ-700 aircraft only) may be operated by Mesa Airlines or by any wholly owned subsidiary of Mesa Air Group or Mesa Airlines under terms agreed to between Mesa Air Group and the Association. Such aircraft shall be subject to the Jets for Jobs Protocol and must be placed into revenue operation no later than December 31, 2004.

This language states that ALPA and Mesa Group must agree to terms concerning the placement of small jet aircraft at Mesa Group under US Airways code. It denies unilateral code sharing authority to Mesa Group for Freedom Airlines as a non-union alter ego carrier. Freedom Airlines cannot carry US Airways’ code unless ALPA (Mesa MEC) agrees to terms to allow it.

MEC action:

The Mesa MEC and US Airways MEC have been working very closely to help both furloughed CCAir pilots and furloughed US Airways pilots. Mesa pilots have been seeking solutions with our Negotiating Committee to help our furloughed pilots get jobs opportunities under a Jets for Jobs agreement with Mesa. Likewise, the US Airways MEC has been working with Mesa MEC to help Mesa pilots in their difficult struggle against a hostile management. The goal for both MECs has been to secure jobs and help each other achieve acceptable working conditions for ALPA pilots.

The US Airways MEC is supporting the Mesa pilots’ position that it wants to have Freedom Airlines under the umbrella of ALPA-represented carriers at Mesa.
U's MEC position on Freedom (PART II)

On December 18, the MEC unanimously passed the following resolution:

WHEREAS Mesa Air Group operates three wholly owned subsidiary carriers, Mesa Airlines, Air Midwest, and CCAir, and

WHEREAS the Mesa and Air Midwest pilots work under a single contract and a single pilot seniority list, and

WHEREAS Mesa Air Group is establishing Freedom Air as a non-union carrier operating 70- and 90-seat jets on a separate operating certificate while the Mesa Airlines pilots are in contract negotiations, seeking much-needed improvements in their compensation, retirement, and working conditions, and

WHEREAS Mesa management has stalled contract negotiations forcing ALPA to file a lawsuit asking the federal court to compel management to bargain in good faith as outlined by the Railway Labor Act, and

WHEREAS Mesa Air Group’s use of Freedom Airlines to undermine the collective bargaining position of the Mesa pilots is a violation of the Railway Labor Act, and

WHEREAS any pilot who accepts employment with Freedom Airlines is harming not only Mesa Air Group pilots, but also the entire piloting profession, and

WHEREAS ALPA’s position is that Freedom Airlines is an alter-ego, runaway shop carrier created by Mesa Air Group specifically to undermine the collective bargaining strength, working conditions, and career aspirations of Mesa Airlines, CCAir, and Air Midwest pilots, and

WHEREAS Mesa Air Group is using Freedom Air to intimidate and threaten Mesa Airlines pilots with the transfer of work opportunities as a means of dictating pilot pay and working conditions, and

WHEREAS both the Executive Council and the Executive Board of the Air Line Pilots Association, International, have passed resolutions opposing Mesa Air Group’s formation of Freedom Air as an alter-ego carrier, pledging to use all appropriate means, including financial, legal, communications, and other resources, to prevent Mesa Air Group from establishing Freedom Air as an alter-ego carrier, and

WHEREAS some furloughed US Airways pilots have accepted employment with Freedom Air, thus engaging in actions detrimental to the Association, and

WHEREAS the US Airways MEC has obtained significant benefits for our furloughed pilots including access to the jumpseat, health insurance paid by an assessment of the pilot group, access to the US Airways website, access to the US Airways furlough administrator, and access to ALPA provided job search programs such as Airinc and others,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC directs its officers and Negotiating Committee to inform US Airways management that the US Airways MEC, especially in light of its significant financial contribution to the survival of US Airways, objects to any potential or contemplated code sharing arrangement with Freedom Air unless the entity is represented by ALPA, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the US Airways MEC supports the actions of the Executive Council and Executive Board in opposing the formation of Freedom Air as a non-union entity, and directs that all furloughed US Airways pilots be notified of the Executive Board, Executive Council and MEC’s opposition to Freedom Air via the most expeditious and cost effective means, such as email, code-a-phone or regular mailing, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any pilot on the US Airways seniority list that accepts employment with Freedom Air will lose all US Airways MEC sponsored ALPA privileges including but not limited to jumpseat, health insurance, web access, furlough administrator access, and ALPA provided job search programs, and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that, if applicable, the US Airways MEC will file Article VIII charges against any US Airways seniority list pilot accepting or remaining in employment with Freedom Air after February 1, 2003 for engaging in action detrimental to the Association.

The MEC’s statements opposing the establishment of Freedom Airlines as an alter ego carrier have been clear and consistent ever since it learned (October 2002) that US Airways management was entering into a commercial code share agreement with Mesa Group.

Accordingly, the AAA message board may not be used to misrepresent MEC positions and promote furloughed pilots accepting employment at Freedom Airlines while it is being operated as a non-union alter ego carrier to the detriment of fellow ALPA pilots, both furloughed and active.

AAA message board participation must be conducted in a manner that is in compliance with ALPA Intranet Policy and consistent with being an ALPA member in good standing.

Your MEC representatives hope this information clarifies the issues concerning Freedom Airlines, as well as the very important ongoing efforts to obtain acceptable Jets for Jobs vacancies for US Airways furloughed pilots at Mesa Group.

Thank you for your understanding and support during these difficult times.
From ACA's Chief Pilot's message:

"ACA received an official request from Freedom Airlines to incorporate a reciprocal jumpseat agreement. That request has been denied."
God bless that man. I think the handwriting is lit up with floodlights on the wall for the greedom pilots.

tarp said:
From ACA's Chief Pilot's message:

"ACA received an official request from Freedom Airlines to incorporate a reciprocal jumpseat agreement. That request has been denied."
Now that Freedom's pilots have "unanimously accepted" (about as farsical as the "unanimous" election of Sadam Hussein) the ALPA/UMEC Jets for Jobs protocol, we'll have a chance to see how many more furloughed U pilots accept the Freedom jobs.

As the non-union Republic Airways alter ego created by Chautauqua management to bypass the "NO" vote of CHQ pilots (re J4J) comes on line, we will also see how many of the furloughed U pilots accept the 100% of jobs offered over there which, by the way, ALPA and the UMEC both appear to support.

It is amazing to watch how you appear to be totally unaware of the hypocrisy in the statements of the ALPA and the UMEC with respect to this issue. When are you going to acknowledge the reality that Freedom and Republic are both the creation of the ALPA/UMEC just as is the Jets for Jobs mess?

The Fox is in your hen house and already eating the chickens, i.e., YOU. In spite of that you still believe the BS eminating from the UMEC? Little wonder you get screwed all the time. You've apparently swallowed the rhetoric of the predators hook, line and sinker. Now you're singing the praises of the fishermen as they reel you in. Incredible.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
Those are some serious accusations. Do you have one shred of evidence for your theories? If true, you need to blow the whistle a little louder. Lets see some evidence. I am willing to wait and see what happens in January 6-10 after MESA visits the NMB in DC. I told you before J4J is the brainchild of Andy Hughes. I asked him myself a few weeks ago and he confirmed. It was actually a YV CLT pilot's idea and Andy Hughes got it on the table.

surplus1 said:
Now that Freedom's pilots have "unanimously accepted" (about as farsical as the "unanimous" election of Sadam Hussein) the ALPA/UMEC Jets for Jobs protocol, we'll have a chance to see how many more furloughed U pilots accept the Freedom jobs.

As the non-union Republic Airways alter ego created by Chautauqua management to bypass the "NO" vote of CHQ pilots (re J4J) comes on line, we will also see how many of the furloughed U pilots accept the 100% of jobs offered over there which, by the way, ALPA and the UMEC both appear to support.

It is amazing to watch how you appear to be totally unaware of the hypocrisy in the statements of the ALPA and the UMEC with respect to this issue. When are you going to acknowledge the reality that Freedom and Republic are both the creation of the ALPA/UMEC just as is the Jets for Jobs mess?

The Fox is in your hen house and already eating the chickens, i.e., YOU. In spite of that you still believe the BS eminating from the UMEC? Little wonder you get screwed all the time. You've apparently swallowed the rhetoric of the predators hook, line and sinker. Now you're singing the praises of the fishermen as they reel you in. Incredible.

Wake up and smell the coffee.
Got Jumpseat,
This is copied off another thread - what do you think of this? I agree with you that J4Js is a creation of the Mesa pilots. I would not brag about that however. What do you think of this new alter-ego carrier at Chautaqua? Is it not the same as Freedom?



[Chautauqua] Company Update for December 20, 2002:

"...Our Holding Company has also reached a tentative agreement with US Airways to operate up to another 23 regional jets; also assuming numerous conditions are met, including approval by the ALPA association at US Airways. Since Chautauqua cannot comply with the Jets for Jobs requirements, additional furloughed pilots from Airways would be covered under the other regional jet service agreement between the Holding Company and US Airways...."

U- ALPA code-a-phone:

"Item 2. The Company has informed ALPA that Republic Airlines, which will start operations in July 2003, will be a Participating Affiliate Carrier in the Jets for Jobs protocol. Beginning in July the carrier is expecting to receive two aircraft per month, with 100 percent of the vacancies being made available to US Airways pilots up to the first nine aircraft. We will provide more information on these vacancies once it becomes available."

Wexford Holdings owns the operating certificates for both Republic and Chautauqua. Republic Airlines will be an alter-ego started by Wexford specifically to get around the CHQ pilots' refusal to ratify j4j. I sincerely hope that U-ALPA recognizes this for what it is.

got_jumpseat? said:
Those are some serious accusations. Do you have one shred of evidence for your theories? If true, you need to blow the whistle a little louder. Lets see some evidence. I am willing to wait and see what happens in January 6-10 after MESA visits the NMB in DC. I told you before J4J is the brainchild of Andy Hughes. I asked him myself a few weeks ago and he confirmed. It was actually a YV CLT pilot's idea and Andy Hughes got it on the table.

What part of what I said do you consider to be a "serious accusation"? Is it the part about the hypocrisy of the ALPA/UMEC statements or the part about the new Republic? If it is either of those both are self evident. Read again the info posted by Inclusive Scope. That's the evidence about Republic. A nonunion alter ego at Chautauqua is no different from a nonunion alter ego at Mesa Air Group. Any alter ego, union or nonunion, is injurious to the interests of the original pilot group. If you need "evidence" of that I can only express regret.

If, as you say, Andy Hughes is the architect of Jets for Jobs, then that's evidence enough that you are indeed swallowing the BS hook line and sinker or worse, you created it. If Hughes wants that then he has surely lost his marbles. I expect that from a lot of people in ALPA but he wasn't one of them. According to you, I was obviously wrong. If that's true, then he has done you and every other regional pilot an immesurable disservice. Feel free to tell him I said so.

A protocol that coerces union pilots to abrogate their seniority and other provisions of their contracts to give all or any portion of their jobs to pilots from another airline is absurd in the extreme. A union that supports such and effort abrogates its Duty of Fair Representation to those pilots upon whom this is being forced.

That is my opinion and I don't care who doesn't like it.

I wish you luck with the NMB. God knows you need it.
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CHQ Contract?

I understand recently from and FO friend at CHQ that they have been unsuccessful at negotiating contract for some time now and are looking to a mediator in Jan 2003. As stated here and elsewhere, CHQ is represented by teamsters and ALPA can neither endorse nor condemn CHQ j4j actions. It would stand to reason by judicial response in AZ, a precedence has been set that would not prevent the CHQ and USAir deal in 2003 regardless of union representation. Therefore, one could reason CHQ pilots already flying USAX Rjs stand to lose collective bargaining strength and face unfavorable conceliatory agreements on top of an already dismal pay scale going into this mediation.

Maybe, someone intimate with the CHQ situation can shed some light on this or give us the pulse of the workforce over there.

Just when it looked like the dust was going to settle down a little, management sticks a fork in the toaster. I love the president 'G.dubya' but signing that executive authority bill on work stoppage in critical industry, he really gave slight-handed management all of the bargaining power.


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