I am just doing a quick 6 month check in the sim down in ATL. Delta has some nice gear here! Let see I have been in the pool since Jan 2005. V-STALL, Bohnzai, few of us left that are in the pool and in the this web site. I hope the count about 50 is true. I hope even more UPS pulls us out! I hope for many things, but most never come true. So if anybody has a closer bond with the "all mighty", please make a request to pull the plug on this pool and we are dried off with brown towels just before class starts.
2006 is our year I can feel it! They will drain it for classes in Jan-Feb so it can be filled again for the new year. I may be kidding myself (my downfall is my never ending optimism). When that water level reaches the scum and sludge near the drain they will find me waiting with a smile on my face.
I hope 2006 is our year. I think at the rate I am going I will be with you shoulder to shoulder on the bottom of the pool. I have been in the pool since Jan '05. And please don't foget about asking 'the man' up stairs to help us out. I used to have a direct link, but it left.
Latest rumor is getting 7-8 747-400 pax to cargo conversions for delivery in 2006 and 757 pax to cargo conversions to allow 767s being used domestically to be redeployed to international routes. The next system bid due out late this month or in January is rumored to have around 80 new captain vacancies.
LLB- I bumped into a pilot today that has an interview scheduled for Jan.(not a mgmt pilot). This should be good news I hope for you guys that are still swimming. Either the deal is;
A. They are going to drain the pool and have to fill it back up.
B. They are sticking more people in the pool and adding to the current numbers.
C. You guys are the last in the dingy brown water all the way at the bottom of the deep end, and they are finally going to clean it out!
I'm pushing for C!!:erm:
Don't give up guys, you've made it through the tough part, it's going to happen soon! :beer:
I have to be honest I do not think any of the three choices you have put up will happen. I think they will just keep doing what they are doing. And that is interview, put a score next to you name and move on. The pool has been around for a long time and will still be in play next year. Like the rest of us in the pool, I will just sit and wait. But I will not put my life on hold for it.
Thanks for the info and the motivation. Burned out with pool.
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