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Union Purposely Delayed ay FO!

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The best thing the FO pilots could do for their careers right now, absent a class date at FredEx, would be to send in those Unin cards authorizing YES TO UNIONIZE.

If a NJA/FO merger were to materialize tomorrow, most FO pilots would wish they had one in place yesterday.

The main thing a Union at FO would provide is a legal way to interface with the 1108 leadership... THE VERY BODY TRYING TO HELP YOU ORGANIZE.

If there wer a merger annoucned next week and there were no Union at FO, who would the FO pilots choose to negotiate seniority with the 1108 leadership? Bylaws to follow? Committee structure? Methods of communication to the pilot group? YOU HAVE NONE OF THESE (sans the message board WE provide to you now with OUR money). You think choosing a leadership body was bad in Iraq? HA! The Union is the tool which gives the pilot group structure and voice. Without it the FO pilots would resemble 1,000 individual people in a room screaming thier demands. Not very effective.

I don't know how else to lay it out for y'all plainer. Help us help you. Sign the damn cards and send them in or jump off of the cliff with the rest of the lemmings.

Sign the cards. Your management is a bunch of lame ducks at this point. They don't matter anymore. Invest in your futures. Invest in your careers. Invest in your families. Sign the cards and let us hand you the tool bag necessary to secure your rightful places in the Unionized Fractional Pilot workforce. Or don't... and go with the flow... get what is handed to you... again.
X-Frog is a genius..... He figured it out all by himself and no one had to help.

Never mind that he has had a seperation with reality to figure it out.

X- Frog, everyone is out to get you. That mailman you see walking down the street, is he really a mailman or a spy sent by the union to see if you are going to send in your ballot??? I suggest you go ask him.

X-Frog, I must congratulate you!!!!!!!!!!!!! A dumber more uninformed post I have never read anywhere. I guess you don't get it. If you can't help yourself then no one can help you. Or maybe it is too late and you need meds?????
A UNION is a PILOT GROUP. The only blame for delays falls on YOUR PILOT GROUP. They could have had this union thing done long ago. OUR pilot group became very UNITED and got what we have been fighting for. You can't blame it on the teamsters or any local. Look in the mirror first!
FlyLow22 posted:

Sign the cards. Your management is a bunch of lame ducks at this point. They don't matter anymore. Invest in your futures. Invest in your careers. Invest in your families. Sign the cards and let us hand you the tool bag necessary to secure your rightful places in the Unionized Fractional Pilot workforce. Or don't... and go with the flow... get what is handed to you... again.

Flylow has the right idea. Strike while the iron is hot! You have the leverage now. One thing the 1108 fight taught this pilot group was the power of leverage. When we had it, we wielded it with great effect. Even the company naysayers on this board (who are noticeably absent now) will not argue with 1108's winning record over the last year. Tis the season for change. Help us help you. Sign your cards.
Hey Flops guys........tick.......tock.......tick........tock.

Follow Flylows advice. Don't fear change, embrace it. 284 was a BAD deal. 1108 is the REAL deal.
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X-FROG said:
Tcapt, hope that I never have to fly with you! Your anger comes through in everthing you say. I was just trying to get some conversation going. Once again you have made it clear to me why I usually stay off of these boards! Enjoy your day, I am sure your partner wont! PS:Spellcheck is inop so deal with it AH.

I dont know about youse guys ovah heah, But Don't dis X-Frog dood sound like once of dem dere ASSMOLES we had for a while prior to the TA ratification?? Or possibly a blinder wearin' feller within tha company?

Oh, sorry, I should maybe take him a little more seriously...

Disclaimer: I am not associated with any airline or union at this time. Just a curious outsider who has been around the industry for 25 plus years.

Allow me to throw this out to all pro-union guys out there. Name one good union out there in the aviation business that is more than 5 years old? There isn't one in my opinion. Eastern, TWA out of business. Delta and United in bankruptcy and getting their wages slashed. Oh, but the Delta pilots' union may strike. Great idea...lets all strike and have no jobs. Ask an Eastern pilot how that turned out for them. It seems that the new TA may be God's gift to frac pilots, but with the airlines as they are today I for one would take job security over a union anyday. Oh, I know you'll claim that the union gives you protection, but I would venture a guess that more pilots have lost jobs that have been a member of a union than not.
I guess I felt like ranting a little after reading some of the posts contained in this thread and a few of the others. The ink isn't even dry on the TA and NJA is already salivating for more. I would be thankful for what was given at least for awhile to see how the industry shapes itself in the coming years. The TA seems good, but greedy unions, coupled with poor management have been the downfall of many great companies/jobs.
Hey, I love the 'Toga to Ten' pen that my thousands of dollars of dues bought me right before I got furloughed! Now that was money well spent.
I know as soon as someone bashes unions or management around here the usual gang jump into them claiming they are moles. For what its worth, I am not even in the industry, yet. My family and immediate family members have been employed by various majors/regionals/fracs my entire life. Some were pilots some were not, line workers and cargo types. So, I have a little background on all airline unions. I know the disclaimer was kind of crap but I threw it in their to possibly divert the normal crowd's usual responses.

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