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I agree with Capt: Megadeath,

Wearing your uniform while non-reving or jump seating to work is much less cumbersome.. Your treated with more respect especially when dealing with TSA..

Being a former member of the CAP "Civil Air Patrol", Yes a flight suit is a requirement while flying a CAP plane.. Yes there are some members who strut around thinking their Mr. or MRS Top-gun.. It is still is a requirement.

As far as the Fractional pilot wearing their uniform. Perhaps it is the company policy that they must wear their uniform while commuting to work.
Ralgha said:
The flight suits are a CAP requirement. If you're not in a flight suit, you don't get in the airplane. A lot of them are ex-military and probably got the jacket there. As for the gloves, what's the problem with a little extra fire protection?

Un-freaking believeable. You guys want pilots to stand together to get better pay/workrules/etc. and then you turn around and make fun of anyone who doesn't fit your idea of how all pilots should act. Screw off.

Dude...settle down and re-read the post! I'm talking about the guys who wear the flight suit - a la CAP guys....maybe I shouldn't have used that much French in one sentence to make it a little more understandable...but c'mon - Nomex in a 152?????

Okay - I'm re-reading my own post here and to be perfectly clear....Non CAP personnel wearing the flight suit = silly
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This thread has got to be a joke, I can’t believe it’s survived two pages.
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GogglesPisano said:
Come on now. You're making this up.

I've heard of guys going overboard with Dungeons and Dragons stuff, but student pilots in uniforms?

It's true bro. My alma mater makes the students wear uniforms now. Glad that shyte didn't happen when I was a student.


We are not required to wear uniforms on airlines. We don't jumpseat. We are on full fare tickets and, when you're done on a rotation, going home, and you chose to wear it all the way home, you're an idiot. It's being worn so people will look at you. It's a power thing like, "look at me, I'm an airline pilot". Big freakin deal. And why should we let you comment on this? You wear the ugliest uniform produced. When are they gonna change that ugly uniform you wear?
cosmotheassman said:

We are not required to wear uniforms on airlines. We don't jumpseat. We are on full fare tickets and, when you're done on a rotation, going home, and you chose to wear it all the way home, you're an idiot. It's being worn so people will look at you. It's a power thing like, "look at me, I'm an airline pilot". Big freakin deal. And why should we let you comment on this? You wear the ugliest uniform produced. When are they gonna change that ugly uniform you wear?
Well, first off, maybe there are people that wear it for people to look at them. That is pretty gay. Personally, I would wear it because I don't feel like changing at the end of my rotation. Secondly, I will wear friggin neon green if it means a good chance I will have the same job until retirement. What the uniform looks like is the last thing on my mind. If you actually care, you are the idiot.
I care to not wear it because I don't like to be the center of attention.(If that makes me an idiot then, I'm an idiot). 90% of pilots are attention freaks and power mongers. I fall into the 10% that thinks the uniform is outdated, gay looking, and non-practical.

"I don't feel like changing" translates to: "I want people to see me..." Admit that and move on!
Airline Driver said:
15 years ago when I was doing the flight instructing waiting around the airport 24/7 game. A 152 lands at my airport and a guy gets out of the plane walks up to the FBO wanting his logbook signed. He was on his long X-Country for his private licence...

He was wearing the Captains hat, epaulets, jacket, boots, leather flight bag, the whole shebang!!! Ya' really got to wonder sometimes.

Personally, I think flight schools that make their students & or instructors wear pilot uniforms is a bit overboard!! Chinos and a nice golf shirt is more than acceptable.

I'm hysterically laughing. you CAN'T be serious...aw man, that would be a neat photo...the "captain" having his logbook signed....
NYCPilot said:
I'm hysterically laughing. you CAN'T be serious...aw man, that would be a neat photo...the "captain" having his logbook signed....

I'm back, back in the New York Groove.

No this is a true story. He was a student pilot and was on his long X-Cross Country.. It took every ounce of effort for me not to laugh at the guy...I had a good laugh after he left.

I suppose we all have 1 really good story to tell from our Instructor days, well this is mine...:D

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