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Yeah I love my uniform so much that I wear it around town, to the bar, buying groceries with my food stamps, to the beach, and numerous other places. In fact yesterday I picked up 3 women while in uniform...grant it they were a good duece, duece and half and were missing teeth, but hey, all I can get! Your an absolute idiot if you look forward to putting on your stupid penguin suit everyday.
OUT said:
I like uniforms. I wish my local flight school had them. They just look cool. I mean what pilot does not get excited the first time he puts that uniform? I mean it is almost like the first time one takes control of an airplane. I cannot wait to wear a uniform. Did anyone get excited the first time they put on a uniform? Maybe I am just wierd?
You are a Fu#cking Idiot!!!!
Quack said:
Yeah I love my uniform so much that I wear it around town, to the bar, buying groceries with my food stamps, to the beach, and numerous other places.
We've got a guy here that does do that. If you go out to lunch w/him it can be freezing cold and he will find a way to take off his jacket and show off his 4 strips and start up a conversation w/the waitress about how he flys airplanes for a living(which are 172's:rolleyes: ). Oh, to be that shallow and feel you need to show off EVERY time you go out of the office.:puke:
15 years ago when I was doing the flight instructing waiting around the airport 24/7 game. A 152 lands at my airport and a guy gets out of the plane walks up to the FBO wanting his logbook signed. He was on his long X-Country for his private licence...

He was wearing the Captains hat, epaulets, jacket, boots, leather flight bag, the whole shebang!!! Ya' really got to wonder sometimes.

Personally, I think flight schools that make their students & or instructors wear pilot uniforms is a bit overboard!! Chinos and a nice golf shirt is more than acceptable.
Airline Driver said:
15 years ago when I was doing the flight instructing waiting around the airport 24/7 game. A 152 lands at my airport and a guy gets out of the plane walks up to the FBO wanting his logbook signed. He was on his long X-Country for his private licence...

He was wearing the Captains hat, epaulets, jacket, boots, leather flight bag, the whole shebang!!! Ya' really got to wonder sometimes.


Come on now. You're making this up.

I've heard of guys going overboard with Dungeons and Dragons stuff, but student pilots in uniforms?
GogglesPisano said:
Come on now. You're making this up.

I've heard of guys going overboard with Dungeons and Dragons stuff, but student pilots in uniforms?

I am not making this up.... I only saw this once.. Back in the Summer of 94 to be exact. That is what kind of an impression this guy made on me. I asked him why he was wearing an airline captains uniform while flying as a student pilot. He said that his instructor told him to look & dress like a professional pilot.. People would then take him more seriously. He certainly took this to the extreme to say the least.

He was a foreigner and probably didn't know any better. I believe he was from Japan..He spoke English well enough to get buy.. NO THIS IS NOT A SLAM ON THE JAPANESE!!! I did tell him that he did not have to wear an airline pilots uniform while learning to fly.

Made me laugh though...

Trust me this is a true story!!!!!
I personally get a kick out of the guys striding out to their trusty 152's wearing their multi-patched WWII bomber jackets and flight suits, a la the CAP guys....sometimes you gotta wonder!

Oh...and Nomex gloves to boot...
pilotpat said:
I personally get a kick out of the guys striding out to their trusty 152's wearing their multi-patched WWII bomber jackets and flight suits, a la the CAP guys....sometimes you gotta wonder!

Oh...and Nomex gloves to boot...

The flight suits are a CAP requirement. If you're not in a flight suit, you don't get in the airplane. A lot of them are ex-military and probably got the jacket there. As for the gloves, what's the problem with a little extra fire protection?

Un-freaking believeable. You guys want pilots to stand together to get better pay/workrules/etc. and then you turn around and make fun of anyone who doesn't fit your idea of how all pilots should act. Screw off.
If you're one of those guys that likes to walk through the airport with your uniform on, you're an idiot. There's a person at Flexjet that wears it on the flight home just so he can "look cool". Give me a break. I hate wearing that stupid looking outfit.
"If you're one of those guys that likes to walk through the airport with your uniform on, you're an idiot" I like to wear mine on the other side of the airport on the cargo ramp where there are no passengers. " "There's a person at Flexjet that wears it on the flight home just so he can look cool. Give me a break" Maybe the dude doesn't feel like taking it off.....who cares? It is easier to deal with when jumpseating and going through security. I don't know about the guys, but being female everyone looks at me like I have 3 heads when I go up to the gate and ask for a jumpseat. Apparently everyone thinks UPS has Flight Attendants. I just get less grief when I wear the uniform. "I hate wearing that stupid looking outfit." Christ Almighty, if you want to wear bermuda shorts to work....get a job flying some twin piston in the Carribean.....what do you expect to wear? I think pilot uniforms look nice.On a side note, I think the thread started as flame bait and most of you took it.....hook line and sinker</p>
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