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Uncle Jerry's Visit to The ASA Crew Rm

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It's good to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully we get a contract that allows us to move forward in this deal with a good amount of compromise between both management and our pilot group. I tend to agree with Irish- Danny and Nick are great guys, but don't necessarily represent the path or the change that I'M looking for. Hence, I'm running out of candidates to vote for and it narrows the ballot.
thougt you were coming last night for that "beer" I promised you...what happened? Get lost on your way or is all that "billy bad a$$" talk just that? hmmm. Yeah, I thought so.

1. I don't drink!

2. If I did I would only drink with those I choose to associate with!

3. I would not choose to associate with an anti-union, pro-management, ALPA volunteer basher like you.

4. I didn't want you to waste an hour of your family time. You can't do ALPA work because you want to spend more time with the family. I suggest you stay out of the bars and off the keyboard and that should provide all the time your family could stand with you.

5. I didn't respond to your PM because I had rather do my Jepps revisions than associate with you.

6. Next time you attend an LEC meeting you can share your anti-ALPA feelings with all of the attendees. Maybe you can call the CNC members liars there as well.
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Who the heck are you taking a poke at? You are the coward who lacks the testicular fortitude and conviction of beliefs to stand up and be counted in the crew lounge.

This is FI. Your opinion means exactly jack $hit until you stand up and tell people what you believe in a real life forum, like the crew lounge or an MEC or LEC meeting.

RIght now you are just another cowrdly, sniping, Flight Info jerkoff.

Why are you "stay the course" guys so nasty towards anyone who questions that course? You can be pro-union and still question the union. Grow up and quit attacking people just because they have different opinions.
Why are you "stay the course" guys so nasty towards anyone who questions that course? You can be pro-union and still question the union. Grow up and quit attacking people just because they have different opinions.

I respect people that stand up and let their opinion be known.

I respect people that disagree with the current course the MEC is on, even though they are in the minority.

I have ZERO respect for cowards on FI who say one thing behind an anonymous keyboard, but never voice a word in a crew lounge or meeting where it counts.

Flight Info rants have ZERO credibility. Come to an LEC and speak yur mind, your opinion counts and SHOULD be heard.

How do we know that all these posters are even ASA pilots and not mgt or F&H $hit disturbers?

I never hear the likes of ohplease or you in the crew lounge. I have flown with exactly ONE pilot who first hand spoke the LJ/JB mantra. ONE.

So until all you dissenters come forward and make your opinions and feeling known to the MEC in a forum where you can be indentified and there for given some credibility, it is just noise.

Clear enough?

Stand up for what you belive and you will be counted, and respected. Snipe on Flight Info, and you will be ridiculed.

It's really quite simple.
I like both Danny and Nick. I have worked with both of them and they are good people. However they represent the same thing we have now. Danny was on the MEC, and Nick is the strike committee chairman. The current approach isn't working. Asking for the moon, hoping for a release, and watching 70's go to Skywest isn't a viable plan for me. I am voting for the LJ Coalition - its time to get this done and move on.

Then Irish, you are not very smart! They will sell your soul down the road, and if you think that is better than what we have now, then you better WAKE UP!! The idiot group you are thinking of voting in are nothing more than a bunch of mgmnt lackeys who will sell your and everyother pilots soul down the road! They are PATHETIC individuals! But if that is who you think will do such a good job for you.....well then you might as well Bend Over and get ready for the Big Screw Job!!
I guess he was laughing when ASA is at the bottom of every list on time, baggage, deined boarding !!! Keep up the good owrk.... dragging your feet pilots IT IS WORKING !!!! When ESPN tells everyone on Saturday morning football that ASA sucks you know it is bad !!
I guess he was laughing when ASA is at the bottom of every list on time, baggage, deined boarding !!! Keep up the good owrk.... dragging your feet pilots IT IS WORKING !!!! When ESPN tells everyone on Saturday morning football that ASA sucks you know it is bad !!

Well not to defend a flawed operation and a draggin a$$ company but...

BAGGAGE......Delta Main Line does that (90% are late because they have to check in with their parole officers.)

Denied Boarding.....Many things come to mind but, ASIG does a great job when they SHOW UP on over-fueling.

ON TIME..... When we are not parking at C, then have to go to D to get the next flight due to an archaic airport design (and the wonderful and motivated ramp staff that park everyone right away), we get right on the job.

However, when the cabin needs to be cleaned, the FA needs catering and we need gas; then bodies to push the damn plane back and remember to give us the paperwork, we can leave.

In short, JA really needs to look internally at HIS mgmt. to see the reason for his laughing. I would love to see him the crew lounge, and I would love to be a fly on the wall when he gets the memo that his pilots voted to UNIONIZE!
Fortunately not NEARLY enough to vote those 4 IDIOTS in....Thank Goodness!

Yea because you have really had all the answers before. Yeah what was that about all the plane transfers being stopped? Oh wait it is still going on. Maybe if you looked at the transfer schedule first. Lets face it sir you are in the minority. Your anger blinds you. Your pilot group will vote for what they think is best and you have no control over that. Not gloating just fact. I am not proud of what is going on but it is what it is.

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