There has always been a limit on 76 seaters, and they had NOT hit that yet. Do you guys have a limit? And high oil is starting to park our 50 seaters, but not yours. Why is that? I did like your attempt at stopping the 70 or 76 seaters at CAL hubs, only to have them go under the UAL Express banner. That CEO of yours sure did get around that CAL scope clause.
And another problem you are starting to have is the 70 seat prop---the large Dash. You have no limits on those, and it already took most of the EWR 737-500 routes, and will do the same in IAH and probably IAD (this Summer) and ORD. Keep trying to kill that cancer, but you really have a long way to go, and your problem is a lot worse than ours, even if we started it. Get to work, and that means STARTING WITH PLAYING NICE WITH EACH OTHER---UAL AND CAL PILOTS. We did that, and it is already starting to pay off.
Bye Bye---General Lee
There's a simple explanation. Frankly I'm surprised you didn't see it yourself. When DAL management elects to park a 50 seat RJ they have the option of immediately adding a 76 seat frame. UAL/CAL management cannot do this because our scope does not allow it. They're forced to continue to operate their 206 aircraft 50 seat fleet at diminishing profitability. I see that as a good thing. Your management team has airframe and outsourcing flexibility that our's does not. At the present, that's a win for us.
As for managements scope maneuvers, the CAL pilots scope clause protects the CAL code only. They can operate anything they want using the UAL code. While our "victory" was and is relatively small, we enforced the code protections in our contract and a significant amount of block hours were returned to XJT from illegal outsourced operators.