As far as I have seen and heard no recalls are planned for PILOTs at UAL yet, so don't get your hopes up anytime soon. Some nonpilots are being brought back, but when the pilots get back is anyone's guess (my guess is late fall at the ABSOLUTE soonest for any recalls)
Is UAL even accepting updates? I'm trying to figure out if I can even request a paper scantron. Last I heard everything was going electronic -- and then 9/11.
I tried updating with NW the other day and they're website wouldn't even send me the e-app.
It will be years before UAL hires off the street again. Flight officer employment is basically down to one guy and, in case you haven't heard, there are 844 on furlough.
There is no word on what will happen to the poolies. While it is unlikely they will flush the pool, it is likely they will give you a follow up interview of some sort to check on what you've been doing the past few years.
If you look closely at who is being recalled, then you'll see it is ground service employees. Ramp, ticket, and cabin service personnel are being called back.
Friends and relatives often ask me about UAL recalling employees. I usually put it in perspective for them by reminding them that 20,000 employees were laid-off, so recalling 1300 is not significant by any means. Furthermore, pilots are likely the last to get called back because we tend to cost a bit more than cabin service employees. I don't think the company would have laid off additional pilots in March if they did not think those pilots would be on the street for a couple of years. Sorry, but that seems to be the cold, hard truth of the matter.
info from cnn news on sat morning:
1300 employees will be recalled. (no mention of pilots) with 900 new hires on top of the 1300 where needed for new positions.
We are retiring approximately 300-350 per year for the next three years. After that I believe the rate falls off below the 300 mark. In addition each year there can be 25-50 medical retirements each year. Currently 844 pilots on the street. So if you do the math with zero growth. It would be four years before hiring at United would begin again.
Surely you can't think airlines will perform logically. Throw in a slow recall and training. Add a little manpower making bad decisions on staffing. With a dash of having to retrain and rehire HR folks and interview Captains. Yep adds up to at least four years. It would drive Mr. Spock crazy. Completely illogical business.
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