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TSA wants a free ride!

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My reasoning is that TSA is a ground operation, not a flight operation. Besides, I don't trust the background checks they do on those people, I'm sure most of them are upstanding citizens, but there are some that I think are on parole
They can't let the TSA jumpseat. These guys already get station passes, in which they can fly free on any freaking airline that comes into their airport, if not more.

Then also allowing the 18 year old TSA agent to jumpseat would be nuts. Of course he's not going to have a record, nobody is going to know what he has done.

340drvr said:
Let's see, how about no JS privileges without a background check, fingerprinting, proof-of-citizenship ID card, $130 fee, and a 3-month waiting period? I mean, fair is fair, right?

They've already proved that stuff to get their TSA job, with the exception of the 3 month waiting period, I don't think there is one.

Bringing in the TSA, even the upper echelon folks will just create too many security risks. You don't need any special "skillz" to be a TSA agent.

The more people they give priveledges to ride up in the cockpit, or even on a jumpseat in back, the more opportunity there is for trouble.
At my airline, positive space jumpseaters (like feds doing line checks) must be listed on the dispatch release

I can always withhold a pen-and-ink amendments to add TSA jacka$$e$ if they get must ride status. While it may be the captains jumpseat, he can always say "dispatch said no", and the TSA jerkoff probably wont even know who dispatch is...

Let me deny the first TSA a$$hole a ride..... purdy please?
On the open door issue.

Last time I checked there wasn't a space for a key. As long as said hijacker/jihadist can read the english on the handle he can get into any transport aircraft if there are stairs or a jetway, right?? I mean if these guys can turn a safety pin into a machete they should be able to pull and turn a latch....
You would think that someone with a PRISON record (as quite a few of the TSA apparently have) would be a no-brainer for a jumpseat REJECTION... but maybe it's just me!

As for the Capt.'s say as to who rides, I hope that continues to be the standard. As I understand it, that authority has now been taken away from the guys at Alaska (no offense to Alaska guys - please correct me if I'm wrong.)
Everyone seems to forget that this is the same department that outlawed jumpseats for us. They make it a huge hassle for us to jumpseat. Their employment with such and such can not be verified electronically so I'm sorry, no ride for you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I am the jumpseat chairman at my airline. This subject was brought up at the last conference [all jumpseat committees]. Let me put this rumor to rest right now. TSA is NOT seeking the jumpseat. They asked about 2 years ago and were told NO! That was the end of that subject. They have no business in the cockpit and could not justify their need to be there.

As to passes [free or otherwise], this too is a false rumor. TSA agents needing to move from one station to another are given the equivelant of a "positive space" ticket purchased by TSA [not the agent]. No TSA agent is handed a book of tickets to use for his/her leisure.

Hope this helps put all the angry emotions to rest. Let's all put down the baseball bats and go have a cocktail. Makes for lower blood pressure and longer life.
Flyer2000 said:
I am the jumpseat chairman at my airline. This subject was brought up at the last conference [all jumpseat committees]. Let me put this rumor to rest right now. TSA is NOT seeking the jumpseat. They asked about 2 years ago and were told NO! That was the end of that subject. They have no business in the cockpit and could not justify their need to be there.

As to passes [free or otherwise], this too is a false rumor. TSA agents needing to move from one station to another are given the equivelant of a "positive space" ticket purchased by TSA [not the agent]. No TSA agent is handed a book of tickets to use for his/her leisure.

Hope this helps put all the angry emotions to rest. Let's all put down the baseball bats and go have a cocktail. Makes for lower blood pressure and longer life.

Cmon Flyer2000...did you have to go and ruin a perfectly good thread by injecting some facts in to play? The idea of denying a potential TSA jumpseater was making my day.

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