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TSA wants a free ride!

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SCD. "I believe a non-pilot in the jumpseat would be a distraction and therefore a safety hazzard."

Wait! How about this: "Sir, I believe I smell alcohol on your breath. I cannot allow you to ride the jumpseat in that condition."

HA HA HA!!! Two can play this game, wand jockey!TC
Flyingdutchman said:
Latest rumor I heard is that TSA wants free jumpseat privelleges (121 and 135). for there employees.

What do you guys think?

(my vote: no way! pilots, FA's, dispatchers, ATC and FAA only)

I would think that it would be a good bargaining tool for the airlines, sure, will let your TSA agents sit in the jumpseat to observe a flight, but, what is in it for us?
midnight mike has the coolest avatar i've ever seen.

as for this topic, i KNEW that this was going to happen. in my limited experience with flying and the TSA, i have been treated ok, not too much attitude, but that's b/c i'm flying out of smaller airports. but i get this feeling that they have a god-complex. they're power-hungry. and besides, i know that you have to go through a lot of training and background checks, but i would still feel nervous about having a non-pilot type in my jumpseat in my cockpit. if i had a vote, i'd say no way, José. you're not that important.
Flechas said:
Agree, if we can skip security they can ride with us, otherwise they stay behind.
I'm tempted to agree with you there, but we shouldn't be going through security anyway. So basically they have clout that they shouldn't have.

If I can't be trusted to go around their checkpoint, then they can't be trusted to sit in my cockpit.

Anyway, these guys are up in your grill sniffing your breath at the checkpoint. Now they want to do it the whole flight.

I say screw 'em. I won't allow 'em on my jumpseat.
TSA you gotta be out of your mind

Unfortunetly this rumor has a ring of truth to it. In PHX a memebr of the TSA suggested that they might want to ride on an aircraft like ours aircraft. (Thats all I am going to say about that for now). Nothing has come of it and as far a I am concerned it is a dead issue. But you can be sure that it will come up again in the future. I am niot sure what you can do to stop it as if I am not mistaken these folks come under the Justice Dept. and with full backing from that part of the goverment, things could get dicey real quick.
FL000 said:
I'm tempted to agree with you there, but we shouldn't be going through security anyway. So basically they have clout that they shouldn't have.

If I can't be trusted to go around their checkpoint, then they can't be trusted to sit in my cockpit.

Anyway, these guys are up in your grill sniffing your breath at the checkpoint. Now they want to do it the whole flight.

I say screw 'em. I won't allow 'em on my jumpseat.

You are right, but I don't see us skipping security. The one thing I will never want to deal with is a YSA moron trying to tell me what to do in the cockpit, or filing a complaint for unsafe procedures or some bs like that. So let's keep 'em away from the plane!!
what's the point to them jumpseating!? so that they don't have to pay for a ticket?! what makes them deserve the same benefits of a pilot or ATCer that actually does something useful during the day?! that's crap, man. baggage handlers don't get these perks, do they? they do a heck of a lot more for airlines and passengers than TSA people do. why should TSA get the benefits and not baggage guys? "well, we protect you by screening those passengers who want to gouge your eye out with a matchstick". no thanks, TSA-boobs. the aviation industry has survived long before your arrival. and the aviation industry will continue to survive, with or without you. TSA goons are just a headache for passengers and pilots alike.
Spooky 1 said:
Unfortunetly this rumor has a ring of truth to it. In PHX a memebr of the TSA suggested that they might want to ride on an aircraft like ours aircraft. (Thats all I am going to say about that for now). Nothing has come of it and as far a I am concerned it is a dead issue. But you can be sure that it will come up again in the future. I am niot sure what you can do to stop it as if I am not mistaken these folks come under the Justice Dept. and with full backing from that part of the goverment, things could get dicey real quick.
They can get authority all they want...and I suppose that means they can ride in the back without captain's authorization, but a cockpit ride is up to the captain.
Spooky 1 said:
I am niot sure what you can do to stop it as if I am not mistaken these folks come under the Justice Dept. and with full backing from that part of the goverment, things could get dicey real quick.

I agree with Spooky1 that this whole idea is a bit iffy, but it could be a tough legal issue depending on what category these people would be put in. As you know, there are a few types you cannot refuse access without stirring up a real hornet's nest...Secret Service, FAA ACI's, NTSB, etc. Sure, you can throw 'em off, but you better have one seriously good reason with cast iron proof you're right.

However, I can't imagine ANY case can be made for allowing these people in the cockpit for ANY reason. "...to see what they're protecting..." ?? They saw that when they pawed through my suitcase full of dirty underwear, smelled my feet, and got close enough to give me a big, wet French kiss.

Even a one-time FAM ride is out of the question. Unless they're put in some "must ride" category, I can't imagine ever hearing of one of them being allowed by the captain to ride in the cockpit.

What a joke !!!

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