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Trouble ahead for Low Cost Carriers???

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"real intellectual!!! You saying HD employees are somehow below the stature of you Valudeath boys? Last I heard, they hadn't killed a bunch of thier customers through negligence....."

You are really a tool.....

Thank you for letting me know that I must fand a job at a "Real" = "Major" airline as soon as you guys rehire (in 2020) because my company is going to make less money (still in the black)tomorrow because of the new and improved aspects on the NEW MAJORS. News flsh all, if DAL adds capacity and reduces costs by flying more flights to the same cities using the same number of employees you are not the first. We do it all the time. As far as this HUB raider stuff, fine. NWA has done the same thing to us in FNT. They had now large (DC9) aircraft in FNT and then woke up and said "Hey AirTran is getting people to fly from FNT, **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**, we need to do that too!" When I was hired we had 9 monopoly (not the game) routes from ATL. Why?. To stay away from DAL. Now we have 0. So the moral of the story is fly to the cites you want when you want and if it happens to be from to DAL AA CAL cities oh well. Ive also read so much about how the LCC's will be so hard presssed to compete against each other. Whats so bad, the traditionals do it every day. Ok Im off the soap box.
Ty and SWADude,

Come on now, the Home Depot jokes may seem funny to you, but tell that to the furloughed pilot's kids at home. Not really that funny, is it? Try not to bring somebody's unemployment into this.

This thread was created because of a couple articles that were written by Wall Street types who brought up some interesting questions. T-Bags brought up some good points, and then SWADude questions his schooling, and TY makes fun of furloughed people. Nice.

Bye Bye--General Lee;) :( :rolleyes:
" T-Bags brought up some good points, and then SWADude questions his schooling,"

Get it right General...who questioned whos schooling...

Your new best friend responded to my post by saying...

"SWA dude, did you get your GED from the same place as TY?"

I followed him into that hole.

I would be careful who you call your friends.
This site has become such a monumental waste of time. Is there another where I can just get information without all this bs? And it's no wonder that the non-military think we are arrogant after these comments. Those of us who are currently serving in the Mid-East right now would like to collectively ask you to shut up.
UAL projects a moderate profit for 2004 with a HUGE profit in 2005. UAL's operation produced more cashflow in october than AT has in the last three years COMBINED.

I'll take profits over cash flow any day. I'll also take real profits over "operating profits". . . . and you can project whatever you want for 2005, because UAL will probably not even be around then. And as far as financials go, we could buy and sell UAL tomorrow, if you weren't all wrapped up in bankruptcy proceedings.

And if you want to bring up the Valujet crash of 7 years ago to bolster your weak argument, go right ahead, but it shows everyone what you are made of, and it ain't "the right stuff", that's for sure.

Have a nice life, little man.
roman said:
This site has become such a monumental waste of time. Is there another where I can just get information without all this bs?

I agree with roman. I think my time here is very short. This site has outlived it's "time of useful consciousness".

General Lee said:
T-Bags brought up some good points, and then SWADude questions his schooling, and TY makes fun of furloughed people. Nice.

I see, General. If Ty makes fun of furloughed people, you have a problem with that, but if your "new best friend" T-Bags mentions "Valuedeath", that's ok.

Pathetic. All of you.

I'm gone until this board digs itself out of this hole. I'm not holding my breath.
Originally posted by General Lee

Come on now, the Home Depot jokes may seem funny to you, but tell that to the furloughed pilot's kids at home. Not really that funny, is it? Try not to bring somebody's unemployment into this.

Normally, General Lee, I would agree with you, but T-Bags deserves everything he gets.

This guy thinks nothing of trotting out the Valujet crash of 7 years ago whenever his argument is proven false, but his unemployment is supposed to be sacred? Give me a break.
"And it's no wonder that the non-military think we are arrogant after these comments."

Us civilians realize that its not a majority of the military guys. The arrogance can be difficult to be around and especially to work with.

And we know the civilians have our share of freeks.

As for you being the Middle-east, my family has you in our prayers daily. Come home safe to join our friendly skies.


Ok, Ok, I didn't see T-Bags GED statement, which was childish, and the Valuejet remark was in poor taste also. How about we all agree to leave schooling out of this, unemployment, and the Valuejet crash that killed some good pilots and pax? That is not what I wanted with this thread.


When I said T-Bags was my new best friend--I was joking because he seemed to be supporting my theories. But, he did bring up some good points, and I expected you to counter with some good ideas. Agree or disagree, it is your opinion.


Sorry, this did get out of hand. I made this thread becuase I read a couple articles that sparked my interest. Take it easy over there in the ME.


I know, I know. You're probably right, but let's try to tone it down against the furloughed....

Bye Bye--General Lee;)
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