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Trouble ahead for Low Cost Carriers???

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This is the most interesting post I've read in a long....zzzzz....zzzz...
zzzz....All Right!!! I've just been upgraded to Captain!!! It's like I've always said, "I'd rather be the most junior Captain at an LCC that provides quality customer care, than the most senior FO for the majority of my career at any US major carrier ."
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Ty Webb said:
Our oldest 717 is newer than Delta's newest plane.

Sorry Ty, but not even close to being right. The first 717 was delivered to Airtran in September of 1999. DL has taken delivery of many mainline planes since then. The last mainline planes to be delivered new to Delta were delivered in the spring of 2002. I'm not even counting the RJ's that DL owns, either.
T-Bags You've been trying to get a real job for 6 YEARS and the best you could do was Valujet? said:
Actually, I had a good job I liked . . . and when the time was right, I made the move to AirTran. So far, it's looking like a very good move. Just a few short months away from Captain upgrade, and the way things are going, I'll be in the top third of a major airline in the next three years. Not a bad way to spend the last 20 years of a career.

If you'd like, we can send you copies of our interview and hire letters from your dream airlines

You really are in denial, aren't you? Have you looked around? Do you have any idea how many guys have given up seniority numbers at UAL, USAir, AMR, etc to come to AirTran?

Your words don't mean squat to me- I think your posts are funny as hell, (unintentionally, though) but the people you are really insulting in your posts are your furloughed buddies.

MedFlyer The first 717 was delivered to Airtran in September of 1999. DL has taken delivery of many mainline planes since then. The last mainline planes to be delivered new to Delta were delivered in the spring of 2002. said:
OK, I'll give you that.. . . . a handful of planes at DAL are as new as the older planes in our fleet.

Now, how about painting those radomes, and getting one uniform paint scheme . . . . . and, while you're at it, how about taxiing a little faster? I've seen freight dogs in Cessnas doing "S" turns on the taxiways behind some of those B767's at out stations . . . . .
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crashpad said:
This is the most interesting post I've read in a long....zzzzz....zzzz...
zzzz....All Right!!! I've just been upgraded to Captain!!! It's like I've always said, "I'd rather be the most junior Captain at an LCC that provides quality customer care, than the most senior FO for the majority of my career at any US major carrier ."

Glad you are finally "living the dream". I guess thats the differance between TRAN and the majors. the majors typically hire CAPTAINS, ie folks who've actually been there, done that..I'd frankly rather have the ability to CHOOSE between the right seat of a 747-400 in the pacific, a 777 in the atlantic or be a guppy captain flying up and down the west coast doing the "short hop" game, or maybe transcons in an AB. "Making Captain", although impressive to your fellow alumni of the short bus, only means your stayed alive long enough for your seniority to get there (more of a challenge at some places than others...)
T-Bags : . . . the majors typically hire CAPTAINS said:
Ah, T-Bags again, with yet another ill-informed post- what a surprise.

If you refer to the minimum quals on our website, you'll notice a requirement for 500 121 PIC or milspec equivalent.

In fact, at recent job fairs, some UAL and USAirways furloughees were surprised to find that they don't meet AirTran's minimums . . . .

and somehow, I supect you don't either.

I am starting to doubt that you are even employed as a pilot- you are clearly an unimformed and unbalanced person.

Have nice life . . . . somewhere else.
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WOW!! 500 WHOLE 121 PIC hours!!! Yep, you convinced me :rolleyes: . FTR, I've better than 5 times that, and a good bit of it at better than 500K. The fact that you've never been part of a real airlines shows in just how impressed you seem to get by you airlines "stringent standards".... But thanks for the info. I had no idea what the mins were at AT (but you seem to know the mins at all the majors... hmm, wonder why...). As for FURLOUGHEES from majors coming to AT, realize, it took the threat of STARVATION to get them to switch, and one of the reasons you are looking at one day upgrading to Capt of the super RJ is because of all the guys senior to you who finally acheived their dream and made it to a major. For some reason that "upgrade dynamic" just doesn't seem to exist at UAL, DAL, AMR, or NWA
I was thinking that you had some good points but then you went in to your Valujet tirade. I really do hope you strike some day it could be a real learning experience for you. And then I can give you five bucks and say how I supported your family. While it was nice of you to donate (ALPA gave you no choice) I am willing to bet that being on strike is the same sh!ty feeling as being furloughed, so step off. I think Ty gets a little strong sometimes, but he does speek many truths in regard to hiring. many have come from USA UAL AMR/TWA. And yes many do not meet the mins, but that was the same back in the day at all the majors, in the very close but passed glory days of hiring, but you are to nearsighted to remember I guess. Growing up here in the southeast I remember a little bit player (compaired toEastern) of an air line back in the 70's and 80's. After Easterns demise it grew from a bit player to a large airline. You may have heard of it...Delta? My advice to both you and Ty is to relax a little, it takes very small changes to go from the windshield to being the bug.
You got it.

T-Bags' negativity is well worth avoiding.

In fact, I'm going to activate that "ignore" feature again.

He won't be missed.
The fact that you've never been part of a real airlines shows in just how impressed you seem to get by you airlines "stringent standards"....

Ahhhmmm. Gee T-Bags, not a good flag to be waving around. Since you mentioned the "choices" you like -- (747s, 777s, Guppy, AB) -- I get the feeling that we both filled out the same application at one time. Do you happen to remember what the Mins were on THAT application? I enjoy reading your insight on financial matters. However, the rest of your stuff is all flap and no throttle, so to speak.

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