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To the pilots age 61 and older:

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You have the unmitigated audacity to point the 'greed' finger at anybody!! It was certainly my intention to retire at or before 60, hell, I don't want to work until I die. I would like the opportunity to enjoy my retirement and you have significantly delayed this due purely to your greed.

As to the safety issue. My father was a pilot in the Vietnam era and I will bet he could fly circles around the majority of the guys out there now, in his day of course. Oh, BTW did I mention that he still thinks that he could at 75, but I see how he drives, which he still thinks is better than everyone else. It's not, trust me!! Do not ever confuse your ego with safety. No matter how much you think you are still at the top of your game as you age, you are not. Nor am I; however you could be up to 20 years farther past your prime than I am.

Thank you all for not even admitting that your greed has had a negative affect of the generation behind you.

The arrogance of the geezers is befuddling!!

Rant over.

Mdog out.
Holy pay for training batman.
I actually agree with moon-dog on this one!
The most entertaining part of this thread is watching Yip and a few others teasing the OP for their own amusement, and the rabidly pro-60 types taking the bait so deep that catch and release is not even an option. :laugh:
Just saying my opinion- don't mind employing pilots past age 60- just think they ought to be FOs - think that through- we have CRM, but captain still means a LOT- as it should- it's a tough position to put an FO in as pilots age-
and I thought an implementation that directly CAUSED furloughs could have been done differently.
I was also debating your idea that ANY arbitrary # is wrong- it is, but only theoretically- the medical checks we have now are much EASIER bc of the age rule and I guarantee enough scenarios would occur over time that the Medical check would get revamped to a level that noone would like. I don't think that unintended consequence is something we want to entertain-
then again- if they were FO's - I doubt that would happen bc you'd have a younger very experienced captain next to them who would have authority and could watch them-
I think it was about 10 years ago, AA had a 77 year old F/E
Ah Greed

You have the unmitigated audacity to point the 'greed' finger at anybod.......delayed this due purely to your greed.
My greed?, please explain. I got bumped out of the 121 cockpit at age 60, six years ago, been doing 135 since.
Not that it matters, but.....The day I win the lottery or my ex-wife dies...I'm done! Take my seat, don't give a $hit. Good luck to you and good riddance to this abominable career.

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