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To the pilots age 61 and older:

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what is that stuff?

Laser and chemicals help you do a lot of things you used to do unaided in your younger years Yip:laugh:
nope not the case here, just plain "ole mark I eyeballs"
Anyone have to read the menu to their 61 year old CA yet? Yep, I did on an overnight not too long ago. All the while this guy was telling me about collecting his Air Force and PBGC money while still holding a line.
Anyone have to read the menu to their 61 year old CA yet? Yep, I did on an overnight not too long ago. All the while this guy was telling me about collecting his Air Force and PBGC money while still holding a line.

Nope. Can't say I've had to do that. However, I had to help the Cappy store his walker in the coat closet on my last trip.
this is the stooopidist thread ever!!! STOOOPID!

Make some lemonaid with your lemon. Otherwise go get somethin different to drink.
So lets do your math here. You make say $100,000k You pay out 20k in interest on your mortgage. This brings your taxable income to 80k. Lets put you in the highest 36% tax bracket for this example.

So at 100k and paid for houses you would pay $36,000 in taxes

So at 100k with 20k paid in mortgage interest you would pay$ 28,000 in taxes.

So we would rather pay the bank 20k to save paying the goverment 8,000k. Seems to me I would rather have the extra 12k in the bank and then knock yourself out investing that money. And if you tell me well you would be in a lower tax bracket do it at 15% tax for 80k and you are still out and extra 4k vers having your homes paid for

If writing off interest was so great why the hell would I refi to 4.5% when I could keep a higher interest rate of 8% plus. Used this example right before I fired my financial advisor. Numbers don't lie if you can do the math.

I always likened it to, spending a dollar to save a quarter. Not flip it around to, spend a quarter to save a dollar and i'm all in.
65 sucks and is here to stay. That doesn't stop pilot groups from creating contractual language that encourages over 60 to retire. For example, at a certain age, say 62, you go to the bottom of the seniority list for bidding purposes but keep your longevity pay for that seat.

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