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To the pilots age 61 and older:

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You do realize that it was the Democrat controlled Congress that wrote the changes to the law, right? The President only signs the bill, vetos it, or ignores it for 10 days, in which case it would become law.

You need to take off the politically polarized glasses.

Is that your hero shredding the constituion on your avatar? Don't lecture me on politics moron.
Everyone has a story about a pilot who is only staying on because of greed or boredom, but there are five guys who have justifiable reasons. As a furloughee, I am glad the guys who needed additional time to make themselves whole got them.

But please remember that your unexpected years were at our expense. When it comes time to vote for the next contract, some consideration of my kid's future would be nice.
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Whine lover- no. Simply- and Yip- that is not reality- a good reality check would be that medicals would get much harder and more beauracratic to come by- and once in the FAA's grasp would be a serious pain in the arse for everyone-

I think a good compromise should have been let them hold the right seat from 60-65. The music wouldve stopped, but the upgrades wouldn't be delayed at the majors. And it would make for safer, more qualified crews.

I think a good compromise should have been let them hold the right seat from 60-65. The music wouldve stopped, but the upgrades wouldn't be delayed at the majors. And it would make for safer, more qualified crews.
This was never about safety, it always been about get out of my seat, so don't take the high road, it is about money
This was never about safety, it always been about get out of my seat, so don't take the high road, it is about money

You have the unmitigated audacity to point the 'greed' finger at anybody!! It was certainly my intention to retire at or before 60, hell, I don't want to work until I die. I would like the opportunity to enjoy my retirement and you have significantly delayed this due purely to your greed.

As to the safety issue. My father was a pilot in the Vietnam era and I will bet he could fly circles around the majority of the guys out there now, in his day of course. Oh, BTW did I mention that he still thinks that he could at 75, but I see how he drives, which he still thinks is better than everyone else. It's not, trust me!! Do not ever confuse your ego with safety. No matter how much you think you are still at the top of your game as you age, you are not. Nor am I; however you could be up to 20 years farther past your prime than I am.

Thank you all for not even admitting that your greed has had a negative affect of the generation behind you.

The arrogance of the geezers is befuddling!!

Rant over.

Mdog out.
I retired once. Didn't much care for it. Won't do that again until age 65 or greater.
This was never about safety, it always been about get out of my seat, so don't take the high road, it is about money

Moondog beat me to it- we are the last ones to recognize that father time is winning.

You're right it was about money when cr smith led the charge- and it's about money now- so what's the trouble admitting it? Geezers wanted more - just say it-

but when thought about systemically- it would be safer to have these guys in the right seat- as long as medicals are the way they are- you'll always be able to find someone who'll sign you off until you're way past safe- IMO that's ok as an FO- not as a capt-

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