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To the pilots age 61 and older:

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Age 65 Rule

If you cats think the Age 65 Rule is a burden, you should look at the ICAO signatories ... 13 of them have removed any age limitations.

I've been in the Middle Area and South America quite a bit these past three months and was astounded to learn and more and more ICAO signatory states are dropping age as a limit in total.

In 10 years, I bet, there will be no age limit in the U.S. Simply past the medical and (I believe) a cognative test.

So that's ok. At least for me. I'll square off with the best of em ... I'll work until I can't. It's not greed ... it's what I do.

Hey stop that

If you cats think the Age 65 Rule is a burden, you should look at the ICAO signatories ... 13 of them have removed any age limitations.

I've been in the Middle Area and South America quite a bit these past three months and was astounded to learn and more and more ICAO signatory states are dropping age as a limit in total.

In 10 years, I bet, there will be no age limit in the U.S. Simply past the medical and (I believe) a cognative test.

So that's ok. At least for me. I'll square off with the best of em ... I'll work until I can't. It's not greed ... it's what I do.

There you go again dealing in reality on FI. Watch out you may incur the wrath of the age 65 is "unfair to ME!!" crowd
There you go again dealing in reality on FI. Watch out you may incur the wrath of the age 65 is "unfair to ME!!" crowd

No, mindless postings from some management puke who couldn't make it as a pilot and would up in a leadership position. Now that's FI!;)
If you cats think the Age 65 Rule is a burden, you should look at the ICAO signatories ... 13 of them have removed any age limitations.

I've been in the Middle Area and South America quite a bit these past three months and was astounded to learn and more and more ICAO signatory states are dropping age as a limit in total.

In 10 years, I bet, there will be no age limit in the U.S. Simply past the medical and (I believe) a cognative test.

So that's ok. At least for me. I'll square off with the best of em ... I'll work until I can't. It's not greed ... it's what I do.


Heck of a good post!
There you go again dealing in reality on FI. Watch out you may incur the wrath of the age 65 is "unfair to ME!!" crowd

If you consider the fact that so few of those who were over 60, but under 65, and who could have come back and flown but chose not to, it's easy to see where the greed is. In other words, if the several years of flying they could have had being junior, was of so little use very few bothered to take advantage of it, why would anyone assume those years are beneficial to those with no choice?

A lot of these ICAO signatories don't staff purely on seniority. If that were the case here, you'd see a lot fewer guys who like how 65 came about. Too many current pro 65 guys aren't the kind who are going to thrive in this career outside being able to game seniority progression. Drop seniority as the single determinent in staffing, drop any age limit and let's see where it goes.
Says another guy who will work until one foot is in the grave. There is more to life than work.


Easy there my friend, I'm about as anti 65 as they get.

I like to point out to the oldsters that if there were at least some free agency in staffing there would be no support of how 65 came about.

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