why didn't your mom abort you?
CL- You are a joke! A few months ago you (Smithers) were all about Uncle Tim (Mr. Burns) and how great Midwest is, and will continue to be. Now that you have been furloughed, (and even though I can't stand your posts, I am sorry for that) you continue to run your mouth. What are you thinking? Why post something as dumb as "Why didn't your mom abort you." Your character speaks for itself....and I'm glad it does not represent the Midwest pilot group as a whole. I have a lot of friends there, and it makes me sick to see what TH has done to the SYX group and now Midwest. Now that you have come down off the cookie dough high, have some class and represent the professionalism Midwest and former Skyway pilots stand/stood for. You bash Skywest...but your comments sound as though you are one of them.
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