I do believe that in some of the more guttural, that is, primal DoD forces they use the phrase, "HOOAH!" for the expression of mass agreement, and esprit de corps for a cause. I saw it in a movie, and just thought it would fit in right about here.El Raton, Im sorry to be the one to pop your overinflated fragile narcissistic bubble of an ego that you have, but the day Ricci bought Flex you became an Options pilot. Your transition was further affirmed when he marched your beloved D White out the door to the curb, took away your bonus, upgraded out of seniority, modified your yellow dog work rules and fired your coworkers without cause. What was left of the Flex pilots then responsibly voted to join the IBT1108 and the Options / Flex seniority lists were merged and affirmed by the courts to be a single carrier. So Rat it is time for you to pull your head out of your ass and stop screwing over your fellow coworkers with your self serving IGM attitude.
None of us have any respect for your kind.
Well said, 1folinepilot
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