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I see where you characterized Pilotyip and his age group "a generation of Leeches" on the age 67 thread. Did I read that right? It just so happens that Pilotyip sent me a lengthy PM
describing his background and accomplishments in a very humble way. I wish I flew with more guys like him and less like you. Thankfully, at SWA, there are few like you.

If anyone I flew with EVER referred to Vietnam Vets as as a "Generation of Leeches" they would be tossed off the Jet at the next stop.....then there would be a nice, little Party in the Employee lot in the future for the cowardly little Pri&k.

Sacha, I don't agree with you often, but Wave, you are as bad as the right wing talk show hosts when you categorize a generation that helped build the career you have in a negative way. Frankly I think Wave often does a good job of putting out the left perspective in an intelligent way and I think he is hardly a "communist". I have to laugh when people knee jerk all liberals as communists. If it wasn't for liberals, the discrimination and greed that would exist in this country would be much much worse. I like living in a country that tries to offer equal opportunity to all. It was liberals that were abolitionists, it was liberals that have moved forward the rights of women, people with disabilities and made this country freer and LESS like a communist country. If it wasn't for liberals our lakes and oceans would be much more polluted, etc etc. We can thank Theodore Roosevelt for getting the 20th century off to a good start thanks to his very liberal agenda. It was the Liberals of the day that have kept our country from being controlled by a handful of industrialists and we can thank liberals that a middle class even exists in the country. BTW Teddy was a republican too! Now we have "republicans" being represented by the profound ignorance of people like Michael Bachman, Glen Beck and Sara Palin????
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Great History of your Dad. I love to meet and hear this stories of guys like your Dad. I bring fewer and fewer of them on the aircraft in wheelchairs anymore. Every leg I go up to help preboard the wheelchairs. Some guys think I am a "Koolaide" drinker for doing it but it is actually rather selfish on my part because it makes my day or whole trip just to be able to show the WWII and Korean War guys that I know about them. I ask them where they served, what Branch, Division, Regiment right on down to what Company. Just in the last year I have met more than a few who have written books or have buddies who have written books and through the magic of the IPAD I am able to download the books right in front of them. More than a few times their eyes start welling up with tears as they point to pictures of them or their buddies, some who didn't make past 20 years old. Sadly, I am starting to bring down Vietnam Vets in wheelchairs. I shake their hands harder than most. This Nation Sh!t on them. That's why bashing guys by calling them "Gummers" and "Leeches" etc. on the Age 67 thread pisses me off. Agree or Disagree with mandatory retirement ages is one thing but call a Vet that stuff and I lose it.

Liberals of the 1st part of last Century are very different from those of our time in my opinion. Also, I will see your Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck and raise a Cynthia McKinney, Anthony Weiner and Keith Olbermann. Both sides can point out examples of the like. It is the philosophies of each side that I try a focus on, not the Actors in the sideshow.

I'll bet you have some awesome Aviation Memorabilia from you Dad. I wonder if your Dad knew Charlie Wheaton at United. He was one of my Dads best friends. He retired sometime in the Mid 70s as a Senior 747 Captain I believe. Adios.

I'll bet you have some awesome Aviation Memorabilia from you Dad. I wonder if your Dad knew Charlie Wheaton at United. He was one of my Dads best friends. He retired sometime in the Mid 70s as a Senior 747 Captain I believe. Adios.

Well, I wish I could ask him, my Dad passed on just shy of 90. He was LAX based. If Charlie is alive, ask him about the CV 340 north of LA though, I'm sure he would remember.

And I agree with you about the nuts on the left too. My take is most of us are really sort of center left or center right in our beliefs, but the media has decided to make politics an extreme sport to get ratings rather than an intelligent discourse on how to run a country.
I do have some pretty neat memorabilia. One cool pic I have is of him in a Corsair off someones wing. I was going through my parents old photos and there was a tiny little picture (about 1' by 2") of a Corsair. Had it blown up to a 12" by 18" picture that you can see him clear as day in. Had it professionally framed and up on the office wall!
It's amazing the living history that is still among us. At my Mom's long term care home, I saw an older Gentleman with a US Air Force T Shirt get on the elevator with me. So I struck up a conversation with him and to make a long story short, He had been a B24 pilot, in WW2. He brought me to his room to show me his old flying stuff, He was most proud of a paper he had framed on the wall that listed the 26 missions he went on. One more than normal, because his CO asked to join him on one more raid. Although he had been an Aircraft commander for 25 missions, the CO asked to sit in the right seat for one more mission.......June 6th 1944......they were the lead bomber that bombed Normandy prior to the Dday landing.
Man, if you don't get chills up your spine when a Corsair takes off at an air show or does a low pass, you are in the wrong line of work. I still can't imagine what it must have been like to takeoff and land one of those off a Carrier!

I grew up with all these friends of my Dads hanging around the house or out at the local airport. Most were QB's dating back to just after the War. P47 guys, B17's. One was an Original SR-71 test pilot. I wanted to ask a lot of questions, hear some stories but I thought I should be seen and not heard so I kept quiet.
Now they are all gone and I wished I had asked for stories. I know they would have been happy to. Oh well.
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I probably sound like I'm telling yarns here, but for anyone that knows me it's all verifiable. So here's another. In the last couple of years I just found out I have a neighbor here in Hawaii that was a member of the 352nd "Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney. He was a P51 ace. Sandy Moats.

I saw a show about the battle of Y29 and low and behold there he was.
Again, lot of living history around and we are fortunate that we can still meet and talk with them.
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Man, if you don't get chills up your spine when a Corsair takes off at an air show or does a low pass, you are in the wrong line of work. I still can't imagine what it must have been like to takeoff and land one of those off a Carrier!

No kidding, my Dad went from instructing in the BT 19 and AT 6 into the Corsair. They said go taxi it around for awhile and when your comfortable, fly it. Well that's what he did, he said he was going through 3000' before he realized the gear was still down!
Too funny. I can only imagine. Then I get snapped back to reality when I have an Ops Agent tell me that until the door is closed, she owns my Aircraft and its up to her who rides my jumpseat, not me. What the hell happened?
I probably sound like I'm telling yarns here, but for anyone that knows me it's all verifiable. So here's another. In the last couple of years I just found out I have a neighbor here in Hawaii that was a member of the 352nd "Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney. He was a P51 ace. Sandy Moats.

I saw a show about the battle of Y29 and low and behold there he was.
Again, lot of living history around and we are fortunate that we can still meet and talk with them.

Yawn. Move on, geezers.

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