No Joint contract = No Nic.
Judge can not modify ALPA merger policy. 3 things need to happen for a list to get implemented.Thats why ALPA failed.
Plus ALPA produced a flawed list with falsified data supplied by ALPA. Again, Nicolau used falsied data to come up with a flawed list.
A joint contract is not possible with Nic, which means ALPA has a safety mechanism, that both sides have to agree on a contract, which is not possible under NIC. Thats what Prater had in mind,when he tried to convince USAIR pilots that we could always modify the Nic with C &R, because the East had the power not to allow the Nic to take place. Like I said, a joint contract was not possible under a flawed Nicolau award. Why do you think Delta and NWA got them to sign a joint contract before the merger of the lists? Answer: to avoid ALPA merger gridlock. Both sides need to agree.
B.S. The Judge could care less about ALPA merger policy. It is what it is and that process is complete...even down to the company accepting the list.
Also, The Judge absolutely CAN REWRITE THE TRANSITION AGREEMENT which is where your sides childish little threats of negotiating in bad faith for eternity, (also illegal) come in. The Judge isn't an idiot. He know that's what you guys will try to do. He has indicated in no uncertain terms that this will be finished in the end. No loose strings, no wiggle room, no more bull**** from you guys.
Besides, Lee Seham told you guys that the wests' case "had no merit" and that our legal team had no knowledge of labor law. What do you have to worry about? Funny how it seems that the courtroom is the last place on Earth Seham wants to evidenced by his non stop flooding the court with various motions to cause delay. Has to make you wonder about the "merits" don't it?