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The founder of USAPA speaks

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Let me get you started. Refusing to meet with those we were elected to represent will give them greater democratic voices because ............... There, use as many sentences as you need to fill in the blank.
A message to all of you hypocrites:
Thats right, I called you hypocrites because ALL of you bid your equipment, lines, vacation, board nonrev- EVERYTHING is done by Date of HIre. The west is stealing thousands of years from the east with their bribed arbitration and Ill be d*mnd if I am going to let them just set by and steal from me. There is a truth to all of this and that is DOH is the only way to preserve what we have all earned. The above post is only meant to do a character assassination on the founder of usAPA, the union the very same people like cowboy belong to! Talk about union busting!!! Cowboy leads the pack! USAPA is a legitamate union and all of you hypocrites come on here supporting a union buster and call me the union buster. Unbelievable!

Someone is a little sensitive. . . The problem with your posts is that you are uncomfortable with the posting of a video about why USAPA was founded. There is no reason to be ashamed, everyone knows the sole reason it was founded was to get out of an arbitration decision. You know it, I know it, the jury that decided it knew it. Since it is (and has been from he start) public knowledge why are you upset that it is being posted? What you should be mad at is the stupidity displayed by your current leadership. They are invited to a meeting in Phoenix, travel out here to attend the meeting and then get cold feet - seriously? That is just absurd. I am going to make an educated guess that your attorneys thought their attending this meeting was a bad idea. That begs the question - why. Why is it ever a bad idea for the elected union leaders to attend a meeting of their members. I think we all know the answer to that as well, your attorneys know that anything they say will be used against them in court. Your little friend with the big ears in the video learned that lesson the hard way didn't he! Talk about stupid emails - he was by far the best witness in the trial and he didn't even testify.

You can go on believng that USAPA is fighting the good fight - hopefully you will retire a bitter First Officer still working under LOA 93.
News flash for St. Knucklehead and McDooosh. A lot of us that read these threads and post responses don't fly for East, West, or any airline for that matter. But most have friends that fly for both, as I do, and we recognize exactly what USAPA and the East position are: the laughing stock of the industry.

I, for one, can't wait for the court to rule that LCC WILL be liable for any contract that ignores Nic. That will set the wheels in motion to bury the East DOH fantasy once and for all.
A message to all of you hypocrites:
the very same people like cowboy belong to! Talk about union busting!!! Cowboy leads the pack! USAPA is a legitamate union and all of you hypocrites come on here supporting a union buster and call me the union buster. Unbelievable!

Didn't y'all union bust ALPA? A real union?

And you are calling Cowboy a hypocrite?

The words you use. I think I'll run to the mods, the FAA, my momie.

I can't take any more abuse!
Let me get you started. Refusing to meet with those we were elected to represent will give them greater democratic voices because ............... There, use as many sentences as you need to fill in the blank.

He must have cold feet or writer's block. Let me see if I can help with the second sentece:

Refusing to meet with those we were elected to represent will give them a greatere democratic voice because . . . since we never planned to listen to them in the first place our refusing to meet with them is at least an acknowledgment that they are there. . .

hopefully that will loosen up his prose. If not, others can step in to help fill the void.
A message to all of you hypocrites:
Thats right, I called you hypocrites because ALL of you bid your equipment, lines, vacation, board nonrev- EVERYTHING is done by relative position on the seniority list. The west is stealing thousands of years from the east with their bribed arbitration and Ill be d*mnd if I am going to let them just set by and steal from me. There is a truth to all of this and that is DOH is the only way to preserve what we have all earned. The above post is only meant to do a character assassination on the founder of usAPA, the union the very same people like cowboy belong to! Talk about union busting!!! Cowboy leads the pack! USAPA is a legitamate union and all of you hypocrites come on here supporting a union buster and call me the union buster. Unbelievable!

Fixed it for ya....

We don't bid our lines, bases, equipment, or vacation based on our date of hire. We bid all of that based on our position on the seniority list.
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Fixed it for ya....

We don't bid our lines, bases, equipment, or vacation based on our date of hire. We bid all of that based on our position on the seniority list.

So, how do you come up with your relative position?

Do you base it on your DOH or is done by some random method. Does some one with 2 years get the same amount of vacation as some one with 10? Who gets get paid more, the one with 1 year or 20years? How do you determine your non rev priority in the same category?

That relative position crap is something the PFT generation bought on to during the 90's. It was to justify leaping ahead of pilots with more time for their own personal gain. Pure Greed.

No wonder no other employee groups would touch something so toxic like relative position. Because otherwise they would find themselves in the same toxic merger mess such as the AWA AAA or the Atlas and Polar merger. Both done under ALPO and both failed and have left the Association called ALPO.

With the proper C and R, DOH is fair and works out for everyone in the long term.

Ask yourself why the east would be fine staying separate and to why west wants the nic at all cost. Answer=Windfall and that is not what the East signed up for during the private internal ALPO seniority proposal.


Patiently waiting for the usual Westie personal attacks to follow.
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It just dawned on me that all of you on this thread are pft-er west pilots. Ok, got it. Now I know Im dealing with the school kids in aviation, the rookies. Well, let me tell you this, being a seasoned major ailrine pilot I will tell you what goes around comes around. USAPA has tremendous support from OAL pilots especially UAL. UAL Is peering down the same problem we had and they are suddenly seeing the light that DOH needs to be THE standard otherwise they will be robbed from their years and years of service. You see, you can't take anything for free and not expect a backlash. USAPA is standing up for us which is something ALPA NEVER WOULD DO!!!

Of course some of the UAL pilots looking at D.O.H. (date of hire) today are also the same pilots who killed the merger with Frontier in 1986 because at that point D.O.H. just wasn't as friendly to them. As someone else on this board said, "What goes around, comes around".
So, how do you come up with your relative position?

Do you base it on your DOH or is done by some random method. Does some one with 2 years get the same amount of vacation as some one with 10? Who gets get paid more, the one with 1 year or 20years? How do you determine your non rev priority in the same category?

That relative position crap is something the PFT generation bought on to during the 90's. It was to justify leaping ahead of pilots with more time for their own personal gain. Pure Greed.

No wonder no other employee groups would touch something so toxic like relative position. Because otherwise they would find themselves in the same toxic merger mess such as the AWA AAA or the Atlas and Polar merger. Both done under ALPO and both failed and have left the Association called ALPO.

With the proper C and R, DOH is fair and works out for everyone in the long term.

Ask yourself why the east would be fine staying separate and to why west wants the nic at all cost. Answer=Windfall and that is not what the East signed up for during the private internal ALPO seniority proposal.


Patiently waiting for the usual Westie personal attacks to follow.

Why the long winded response? Your east coast man interest giving you the business?



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