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~~~^~~~ said:
I don't even look at the ALPA board since a few Delta pilots (including a status rep) started sending me e-mail threats about IRS audits and the well being of my family while I was out of town.

How do you account for this behavior from Delta pilots including elected reps if the lawsuit has no merit? Why would the thugs expose themselves so recklessly and unnecessarily if the litigation they despise so much were going nowhere? You can cut the contempt with a knife on this board egged on by impostor posters like "RJDC_" and "RJDC."

Why does the Duty of Fair Representation frighten and disturb union members so much? Answer: the "powers that be" feel like they have something to lose. Result: the entire concept of union is corrupted into the "haves" and "have nots." Counter intuitive, no?

Sorry to hear about your brush with the amature, punk intimidation. You know, ALPA has a code of ethics for pilot members. Has something to do with high moral character and personal attributes above reproach.
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~~~^~~~ said:
Dan Ford is trying to fix what is wrong with ALPA - so our careers are not harmed by just the sort of activity going on at Mesaba and COEX. ALPA needs fixing, even you agree on that point. New ideas and dissent are how things get fixed - so arguing union business on a union board is appropriate use of those resources.
Is this how Dan is trying to fix ALPA....From your own website:

h. as to the claims set forth in Count VIII, such sum as may be determined
at trial, but in
no event less than the sum of Two Million Dollars
($2,000,000.00) each.

i. as to the claims set forth in Count IX,
such sum as may be determined at trial, but in
no event less than Two
Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars each.

j. as to the claims set forth in Count X,
such sum as may be determined at trial, but in
no event less than Two
Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) Dollars each, plus the cumulative sum of One
Hundred Million ($100,000,000.00)
as exemplary and punitive damages.

k. as to the claims set forth in Count XI, such sum as may be determined at
trial, but
in no event less than Two Million ($2,000,000.00) each.

l. as to the claims set forth in Count XII, such sum as may be determined at
trial, but in
no event less than Two Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars each.

m. as to the claims set forth in Count XIII,
such sum as may be determined at trial,
but in no event less than Two
Million ($2,000,000.00) Dollars each.

I don't even look at the ALPA board since a few Delta pilots (including a status rep) started sending me e-mail threats about IRS audits and the well being of my family while I was out of town. Given that the origin of these e-mails was easy to determine, the whole incident did not worry me too much. But, no one has time for personal attacks. ALPA is what needs repair and individuals are not the issue, the conduct of our union is the issue.
There you go again....Avoiding the topic....You didn't answer the question. Does it make it right for my dues money to go towards your frivilous lawsuit??
I'll time you with a calander!

I have no desire to fly 737's, particularly your 737's. For starters, I earn more money where I am at right now. Second, if I was interested in 737's I would be knocking on Airtran's doors, not yours.

Isn't it true the rjdc's membership is filled with the "undesirables" in aviation. This suit was filed long before 9/11. Most of your members have no college education, and some have dui's. They couldn't get hired at a major during the boom of the late 1990's and your leadership promised you'd all be millionaires and flying 777's. Its sad and pathetic, but we've learned to expect that from you and all your pals there!
N2264J said:
How do you account for this behavior from Delta pilots including elected reps if the lawsuit has no merit? Why would the thugs expose themselves so recklessly and unnecessarily if the litigation they despise so much were going nowhere? You can cut the contempt with a knife on this board egged on by impostor posters like "RJDC_" and "RJDC."
There's no excuse for behavior like that. I would condone it as well. That being said, the nature of your pal fins' posts, being caught in more lies, I'd have to go with the idea that he's lying again. No surprise there, but how else do you justify what he believes in.

Why does the Duty of Fair Representation frighten and disturb union members so much? Answer: the "powers that be" feel like they have something to lose. Result: the entire concept of union is corrupted into the "haves" and "have nots." Counter intuitive, no?
This is where you and I both agree. There are some major problems at the national level, again, that being said, the rjdc is NOT the answer, as all I see out of this suit is GREED by its membership!

Sorry to hear about your brush with the amature, punk intimidation. You know, ALPA has a code of ethics for pilot members. Has something to do with high moral character and personal attributes above reproach.
Again, fins has proven time and time again to make up stories and lies. This is just another one to throw into his folder of the "hatred of the DL pilots."
737 Plt-

Integrity check. Since ASA is not a wholly-owned, we should lose our S2/3 status and go below all DAL employees. Then it should also be acceptable for all DAL employees to go below all ASA employees on all ASA flights.

If you agree, then I respect your integrity. If you believe that they are all DAL seats and DAL should have priority regardless of who operates them, then you are selfish and somewhat hippocritical. What say you?
DrunkIrishman said:
737 Plt-

Integrity check. Since ASA is not a wholly-owned, we should lose our S2/3 status and go below all DAL employees. Then it should also be acceptable for all DAL employees to go below all ASA employees on all ASA flights.

I agree 100% NO DL employee should have pass priority on ANY ASA flight above ANY ASA employee!

If you agree, then I respect your integrity. If you believe that they are all DAL seats and DAL should have priority regardless of who operates them, then you are selfish and somewhat hippocritical. What say you?
Negative ghostrider.....I firmly believe and will make my case that ALL DL MAINLINE flights should be DL mainline employees first, while NO DL employee should go above ANY ASA employee on ANY ASA flight, regardless of what code they are flying for!
Jon Rivoli said:
Willful ignorance General. There wasn't any growth on the table at the time. The vote was about 75% yes though, but hey 25% will say no to just about anything. Maybe that 25% did see the writing on the wall, but if they did they had a far better crystal ball than most these days. More likely the made a stand on principle not knowing any better than the rest of us what the future held.
I voted NO, on principal and on vision. It is almost impossible to get anything in writing changed, unless the company wants to, I repeatedly told this to anyone who would or wouldn't listen. Why would they elect to increase their operating costs, common sense would dictate they wouldn't, the company is run by bean counters. My argument all along, it's easy to play poker with people who can't see the cards because of the blindfold, and they are dealing all the cards. Without a crystal ball, one must make decisions on based upon track record, and available information, thats what I did, hence the NO vote, based upon basic common sense.

That is what I said. I commend you for your integrity, as I agree that ASA has priority on ASA flights and DAL on DAL flights. It will be unfortunate for mainliners that commute out of ASA cities.
DrunkIrishman said:

That is what I said. I commend you for your integrity, as I agree that ASA has priority on ASA flights and DAL on DAL flights. It will be unfortunate for mainliners that commute out of ASA cities.

I agree.....Remember the old saying, be careful what you wish for!

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