Voice Of Reason said:It was always my understanding that once the union came in (whether to be called for or which) the pay could not be changed AT ALL until there was a contract... That's why so many companies have pulled this crap in the past and try to blame their alleged attempts at sudden raises on the union "not letting them"...
Yeah, I know that was your understanding... which is why I said know your facts before you spout stuff like that off. You are incorrect in that understanding.
How do I know? Because the Union drive leaders when they were forming this drive had that very question at the top of their mind (like any organizing force would do - it is an easy thing to assume the company would blame the union on not being able to provide a raise, it is a classic union busting tactic that works for the misinformed employees) addressed that very issue about a year ago and found out from the BEST Union lawyers in the country (the same ones that sued the pants off of Raytheon and forced them to settle for uber amounts of $ for the 5 RTA pilots that got fired) and got a $2000/hr lawyer answer to that very question.
You saying you know more than they do about the RLA? Now, as I originally said, that doesn't mean Raytheon wouldn't try it - and why I also said if they do, our lawyers will be waiting to file suit over it.
To answer YOUR questions, no, I don't think Raytheon DOES plan on spending 1 dime on this pilot group unless forced - that's why the Union has my card.
p.s. If you are an Options pilot you should have gotten the latest Blackberry anti-union letter from Bob Tyler where he did mention the "better compensation package" that will soon be announced... the same letter that threw conflicting information and more FUD about "possibly" returning Tier 3 domicles "if pilots can get to their airports by 10 am".
Just the FACTS, m'am. - Sgt. Friday
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