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The Big FLOPS now 100% RAYTHEON Thread

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Voice Of Reason

Reading Is Fundamental !
Sep 21, 2004
Well, everyone has seen the press release, and I thought I'd come out from hibernation... Much to the shock of those convinced I'm Mgt or an SFO, I'll start off and say that over the past couple of months it had become apparent (even to a union hater like myself) that FLOPS needs a union (as long as its not the IBT Nat'l dorks). Unfortunately, even this aspect of aviation has proven itself unable to go on therwise... (YEAH, YEAH...Oh, I told you so...blah, blah, blah)...AM I being crazy and thinking that things will be peachy-keen at Flops with a union and everyone will have great pay? No...I am NOT at ALL going that far.

HOWEVER...(now some of you are going to choke here)... EVERYONE (and don't assume everyone else will vote) needs to vote in this freaking local 1108 union ASAP. Pay attention here :uzi: (I know many of you *ALREADY KNOW*, and I'm *not* enlightening most of you):smash:
....I DON'T CARE IF THEY COME OUT WITH A COMPENSATION PACKAGE THAT BEATS EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE AVIATION INDUSTRY...****LET THEM**** but solidify it in writing so it is not temporary...some here may remember when things were peachy keen at one time (well, at least not AWFUL)...look what happened....it can easily happen again....

ALSO, I do happen to know about what you've already been made aware of, about rumors to come, promises, and a WHOLE LOT of head games...Ignore the rumor mill (and that includes craziness on the road about liquidating...gahd what a piece that one is) ... mgt will be spreading enough without hearing BS from our competitor's employee groups... I avoid these toxic people like the plague, do my job, and wait for the chips to all fall in place after the vote.

ONE MAJOR THING I hope people remain vigilant about with this whole union and eventual contract is to WATCH OUT for the best interests of the FLOPS pilots. Scrutinize every single little word, and ***ENSURE*** that your angelic, wonderful, "no-strings attached", unconditional lovers "helping you out" from NJA don't INSERT their own agendas...

:eek: ***NEWSFLASH*** There is a REASON why the "Raytheon is going to sell off Flops part by part and NJA is going to buy the new planes" rumor is SO rampant... NJA pilots WANT you to think that so we add in cr@p conducive to their seniority agenda... THEY WANT you to be afraid this ridiculous rumor is true so you are desperate and willing to go along with every tug of their puppet strings. ***DO NOT BUY INTO IT*** :eek:

WORDING IS EVERYTHING...and go over it again and again and again until you have deciphered EVERY POSSIBLE alternative "INTERPRETATION" that either the COMPANY *or* NJA or future IBT "brothers" could POSSIBLY make of it. I would STRONGLY STRONGLY suggest that this be watched VERY VERY closely. Remember that many people still subscribe to the "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" rule, if you know what I mean. Take NOTHING at face, spoken word, or "intentions" value.... get it strictly in writing so there are NO "interpretations," just flat out obvious, irrefutable verbage.
Now for my two cents (not that you care) about the stupid liquidating rumor I just mentioned above.... THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE... This HIGHLY, HIGHLY profitable company (RAYTHEON) ONLY got out of RTA to bust the union (and GOOD THING or we'd have been stuck with Treichler). THAT's the only reason they did the deal the way they did it with Flops. Period. They still sunk mega bucks into the operation, and now its obvious the union is a done deal, and they can now get rid of the whiners in the tiny percent that was left of ownership, so they "bought out the rest".

There is NO WAY (and NO I will NOT eat crow on THIS one) that this PROFITABLE BUSINESS (do NOT be fooled...you will see for yourself just how profitable at the end of 2006 being a public company and all);) is going to liquidate the company...they've gotten enough people to quit that pilot numbers are down to about where they need them. (I MIGHT worry a bit if you're in a non Raytheon plane and people stop leaving, but doubtful).

:bomb: It's a no-brainer... NO MIDDLE MAN...this operation is going to be nothing but profit for them...RAYTHEON planes, RAYTHEON maintenance, no one else with their hand in the operation. Pure profit for them, and they just KEEP making money...not off a one time sale of a new plane...but OVER and OVER and OVER again. (NJA pilots do NOT want you thinking this way, trust me, let them keep making you think you're their little poor ugly stepsiblings, they won't have the last laugh on this one). :bomb: You better make DARN sure that these people IN CHARGE of this union for Flops are in EVERYONE's best interests...and not NJA or ONLY reps from the former RTA. Don't get hosed here, get some GOOD pre-merger FLOPS people, and I don't mean SFOs, or other mgt "think-tank" members...but TRULY good people. Don't let one interest sell out another.

As for the company...my prediction is that the illustrious (or more appropriately ignoramus) MS will very soon enter the JohnN witness-axed CEO-protection program, and we will be introduced to a new (or possibly CURRENT if you know who I mean) messiah replacement that will profess to want to give all the pilots all the love and compensation they ever wanted (standby of course...the carrot is always dangling)...and save them from all the damage the awful people that the small percentage owners forced them to put in charge (YEAH).

I also predict LOTS of rumors interjected from EVERYWHERE, but hopefully everyone will "stay the course" like Bush loves to say, and don't base anything on them...

I've seen the tactics in other places with soon to be or new unions....mgt having their little spies out their gathering info...Talk (from both sides) of if you don't agree to what is drawn up first, the whole process starts over and it will be YEARS before you get anything...blah, blah, blah...the you-know-what is about to hit the fan from ALL directions...don't pay attention to anything but getting the VERY BEST contract with NO AGENDAS attached.

So, otherwise, that's about all I have to say about THAT...The great "Oz" has spoken...lol

Have a wonderful evening,...and

;) "10 - 4 Good Buddies...over!) :p
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wow that was a rant.

Interesting spin. Vote in the union but they are going screw you so it's up to you.

Fear Uncertainty and Doubt

Diesel said:
wow that was a rant.

Interesting spin. Vote in the union but they are going screw you so it's up to you.

Fear Uncertainty and Doubt

You're wrong Diesel...this is no FUD...I am simply saying that ALL Flops pilots should keep eyes open while going FULL FORWARD with a non-agenda contract that is well-worded.
Trust EACH OTHER as a whole, not agendas of one group.
Wow I never knew I knew so much until I read this. Man we NJA guys get a new contract and now we know everything :)

Actually stop spreading your tripe about what we NJA guys want. 99% of us couldn't give a rats ass about how, why or when you decide to unionize or not.

You guys can do what you want but don't try use us as some excuse. You either like how things are or you don't. You decide for yourselves and move on. And if you think by some miracle you will get the best damned contract with no loop holes in it right off the bat. You better buy a lottery ticket. NJA/EJA has been Union for years and have experienced bad contract language in the past and still do with the new CBA. But at least we have one and we live with it.
uh, huh...

ghostrider64 said:
Actually stop spreading your tripe about what we NJA guys want. 99% of us couldn't give a rats ass about how, why or when you decide to unionize or not.

You guys can do what you want but don't try use us as some excuse. You either like how things are or you don't. You decide for yourselves and move on. And if you think by some miracle you will get the best danged contract with no loop holes in it right off the bat. You better buy a lottery ticket. NJA/EJA has been Union for years and have experienced bad contract language in the past and still do with the new CBA. But at least we have one and we live with it.

Thanks for helping make my point....

ANYWAY...all I am saying (condensed version) is that once this union is voted in officially, and the organizers make themselves known to everyone, I hope that everyone makes sure that the representation isn't "lopsided" and put solid people in Officer positions, AND most importantly, the NEGOTIATING TEAM. That's all...nothing sinister...
Voice.....and you want us to start believing you now????

After all the garbage you were spouting out of the past several months you could have at least had the sense to change your screen name.

You comment about being careful about a Negotiation Team at FLOP's is very interesting too. We had a terrible Negotiaztion Team prior to SU and the pilot force voted their POS T/A down.

That's what a Union is all about...the memebers choose...

I wonder when the others like you are going to crawl out from under their rocks and comment on the FLOP's thing.
WHERES THE JIHAD>? We got the FUD now where is the JIHAD? Round up the camels and batton down the hatches. Raise the mizzen mast.

Fire off some of those one liners about how SU will ride in on the white horse. No flops its gonna fall with a thud no matter how you launch it. Give it up. Go to NJ now while you can still get in the door. Pilots have been seen camping out at the front door in CMH for weeks at a time just to get an application.

Bail now!

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