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We have a business. It's how we survive. Just like Rumsfield, Chenay and the rest of the crooks. If these mental midgets can do it, I can do it better. Their AG believes that women were born out of a man's rib. How ludicris is that?
You call them mental midgets, although you can't provide any supporting information. You can't even spell properly. Here are their qualifications...

President George W. Bush: Received a Bachelors Degree from Yale University
> and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He served as an F-102 pilot for
> the Texas Air National Guard.
> Vice President Dick Cheney: Earned a B.A. in 1965 and an M.A. in 1966,
> both in political science.
> Secretary of State Colin Powell: Educated in the New York City public
> schools, graduating from the City College of New York (CCNY), where he
> earned a Bachelor's Degree in geology. His further academic achievements
> include a Master of Business Administration Degree from George Washington
> University. Secretary Powell is the recipient of numerous U. S. and
> foreign military awards and decorations.
> Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld: Attended Princeton University on
> Scholarship (AB, 1954) and served in the U.S. Navy (1954-57) as a Naval
> aviator.
> Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge: Raised in a working class family
> in veterans' public housing in Erie, he earned a scholarship to Harvard,
> graduating with honors in 1967. After his first year at The Dickinson
> School of Law, he was drafted into the U. S. Army, where he served as an
> infantry staff sergeant in Vietnam, earning the Bronze Star for Valor.
> National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice: Earned her Bachelor's Degree
> in Political Science, Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of
> Denver in 1974; her Master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975;
> and her Ph. D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the
> University of Denver in 1981. (Note: Rice enrolled at the University of
> Denver at the age of 15, graduating at 19 with a Bachelor's Degree in
> Political Science (Cum Laude).

and you?
If they had six months to find a job, and they are working at Wal-Mart for $7.50 an hour, then they have been lazy while on the dole. Or they had no marketable skills to begin with.
Sorry dude ... that's not even CLOSE to the truth. I personally know seven men, each with at least a four-year degree and many years experience in the IT industry - and four of whom have a family to feed - who were on unemployment for six, nine, or twelve months under the extension, and who have now had to take d@mn near minimum wage jobs at Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, or third-shift customer support. That's just the people I know personally, and doesn't count the guys I've run into at thee places and found out in passing that they were once pilots (2), IT Professionals (2), or manufacturing engineers or managers (3).

Sorry ... you're very ill-informed. However, should your employer decide he needs to sub out your job to a lower bidder, move his operation to Mexico, or just close up shop ... you'll become very well-informed pretty quickly.


Their AG believes that women were born out of a man's rib. How ludicris is that?

About as ludicrous as your spelling.

AG Ashcroft believes that a woman was created out of a man's rib. The belief in an omnipotent God is held by many. If God is omnipotent, then ascribing creative miracles to Him is not ludicrous or fantastic. However, I believe that discussion is taking place under the thread Bible Defense.
We will never have a government that cares about Joe Sixpack?

The list of reasons why is long indeed, from the amount of money you have to spend to get elected, to the pay the "esteemed members" of congress makes.

How do you get re-elected? By getting porkbarrel products to your state, makes no difference if they need it, just make sure they get it. It will make you look good! Eddie Murphy made a funny movie about that.

All this talk about taxes. Taxes are killing us. Want proof, look at most western european contries. The day we get a flat tax will be a great day indeed. Yes, the middle class is paying way more than their fair share. The funny interview on TV was Al Sharpton and John Stossel. Shaprton just about lost his lunch, when Stossel pointed out the error of Sharptons typical tirade about the "rich not paying enough". What is interesting to note, is how the tax burden has shifted over the years from Industry to the consumer. The taxation system is unfair and we continue to see how the "poor" is trying to penalize the "rich". Well, the really rich have all kinds of clever tax schemes, so the middle class ends up holding the bag. Want proof, open the Biz class magazine on say AA and look for the companies that offer ways to reduce your tax burden.

The US is spending way too much money and we need to cut off access to the checkbook. Sure, there are plenty of programs that should be adequately funded, but there is so much waste taking place to be ridiculous. I am sure you all remember the story about the 500$ hammer and the 1200$ toilet seat, well it is still going on. Latest would be Boeings shenanigans. How about researching what the VA hospitals is forced to over pay in medicine cost, because some shady deal was signed. You want to see how bad it is, just read info from the GAO, it will show where the money goes.

Why did Gray Davis want to give illegal immigrants the right to drive, votes of course. Why is Bush changing the immigration laws, me thinks it is the same reason. Perhaps this time, he can get Florida behind him. Although, from what I can see, the Hispanic are already asking for more.

When one argues, that US needs to care of their own, then we always hear some sob story, how the greatest nation on earth needs to help. Of course we do, but how much should we be expected to give? The Saudi's along with the middle east are always moaning about the Palestinians, they have given them less than 400Mil since 1990, I dare not think how much aid the US have given and continues to give. When there are earthquakes in Iran, we want to help. War in Liberia, we help. Kuwait gets run over, we help. Every time something burns, we help put out the fire. Nice, great, swell, but exactly what do we get in return, nada, zip, zilch. Oh, I forgot, sometimes we do get condenmed by the UN and a select few nations. One in particular inhabited by cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Yes, we should give, but that must be held in objectivity to the plight of the US. We need the politicians to stop worrying about what is good for them and focus on what is good for the country. Sadly, I think that is hoping for something that will never happen.

Soapbox back in closet!
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You left-wingers only see right wingers in black-and-white.

So there. ;)

In reality, I'm VERY comfortable agreeing that I DO see many issues asa black-and-white.

Why is this automatically wrong? I can suggest that you perhaps you have far too much ambiguity in your perspective? Maybe you don't have enough definition in your opinions. Hm?

Give me an example where right-wingers have a narrow view where you do not.

And re: Mental midgets-

Ha! - "ludicris" says it all. So I suppose we should be picking up the pearls of wisom that drop from your mouth? Your qualifications to speak on others mental midgetry are highly questionable.
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You don't read very well do you 100LL?

Or perhaps you read just enough of a post to go on another irrational tear. I am no more a 'left-winger' than you are a rational, well-mannered, human being. Rather ... you are a first class PXXX

Minh "Centrist" Thong
(Now starting the name-calling first when Nazi-bots begin spewing irrational garbage.)
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Look at what we have---John Kerry has a net worth of over $500 Million bucks. Friend of the people? Right. He came from prep schools, lived abroad and attended Yale. He did one year in Viet Nam, to his credit.

George Bush is the second best Democratic President this country has had. His father was the best. He is spending like a drunken sailor on social programs. What the Dems. hate him for the most is that he is stealing their platform.

As for the debt and deficits. For sixty years, the Democratic Party had no problem with deficit spending and running up the debt--so long as it bought votes. Now, it's a problem. Riiight.

In the '90's, we had budget surpluses. It was just on paper. The Clinton administration(and maybe his fellow Democratic predecessor, G. H. W. Bush) helped this along by allowing the inclusion of the Social Security "Fund" to be included in the General Fund. Presto! We have a surplus.

When the cyclical recession hit, there went the tax revenue and with it the "surplus". (Plus, with G. W. financing the war in Afghanistan[totally necessary, IMO] and the war in Iraq[a long-overdue event if not immediately necessary] along with his own barrell of pork, we had no chance to avoid going further into debt.)

The bottom line is that Congress is out of control with both parties spending trillions on pork just to secure their seats. The Democrats are no strangers to big money interests as are the Republicans.

The Republic envisioned and built by our Founding Fathers has morphed into an oligarchy(rule by a few for the Riddle grads;) ) from which there is no escape.TC
AA717 puts more eloquently what I've been saying all along ...

... there's not much difference between the parties anymore, both are equally corrupt and morally bankrupt. The whole boat is out of control ... and there's no one on the horizon who looks to able to right the ship.


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