tmac3333 said:if you haven't flown the T-38, lighten up on the dude...
Shack. It gets BALLS HOT in there with the heat cranked up. Given the right circumstances, this could have been any of us.
I love how everyone is so quick to judge the IP/Stud relationship after seeing a 4 minute clip of this stud's flying. I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck that this wasn't the guys first time dorking up something so simple.
And I love the "why does the stud have all the heat controls" questions. Well, if the A/C rheostat is in the rear pit, how the f*ck do you control the temp when you're solo? Listen folks: there's a reason why we don't take 2Lt Bagodunuts right out of cessnas and plop him in the front pit of a T-38. We expect a degree of aviation horse sense by the time a dude shows up for his dollar ride in a Talon. That's what Phase II is for.