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SWA took one step closer to being a regional carrier

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Tripower455 said:
I won't vote for it, given the chance.
See? Luddite. I give up. Three people have shown you your errors and you cover your ears and say "nananananna".

Some people in this world don't want their cheese moved.

It doens't matter to any of us three whether you vote for it or not, but all three of us have had great experiences--which you couldn't care about, you've already set your mind even though you have not a clue, nor experience about the subject. Folks like you make me nuts on this board, I don't know why I even bothered the time to type.

At least you're not rude, SWA hires nice folks, but they sure seem to be stuck in a time machine.
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radarlove said:
See? Luddite. I give up. Three people have shown you your errors and you cover your ears and say "nananananna".

Some people in this world don't want their cheese moved.

It doens't matter to any of us three whether you vote for it or not, but all three of us have had great experiences--which you couldn't care about, you've already set your mind even though you have not a clue, nor experience about the subject. Folks like you make me nuts on this board, I don't know why I even bothered the time to type.

At least you're not rude, SWA hires nice folks, but they sure seem to be stuck in a time machine.

It's not stuck in a time machine when you know your union is to stupid to implement it properly. This test period is a prime example. PBS would destroy all happiness we have because we don't know how to make it work.
DH2WN said:
It's not stuck in a time machine when you know your union is to stupid to implement it properly. This test period is a prime example. PBS would destroy all happiness we have because we don't know how to make it work.

I dunno...why don't you fix your union? That's the easy answer.

Anyway, it's just that some NWA guy probably spent 30 minutes composing a really thoughtful response and the response is, "So what?"

It's like if I said, "I love Netflix and here's why!", and you came back and said, "Doesn't matter. I KNOW they're going to rip me off somehow. It'll just happen. I always get ripped off."

It reminds my of my old, old days on the MEC when guys just were blockheads about anything (Anything!) new.

Who cares if SWA gets PBS? I sure don't. You guys deserve what you get, it sounds like. No wonder you turn off your EFIS, you probably have guys that don't believe it works.
PBS vs our current sysytem at SWA

I have worked under PBS for several years at another company. Unfortunately pilots all think their aircraft and scheduling system are the best since they use it daily. For those non-SWA pilots I have to tell you the present system (which you cannot understand since you don't use it) we use has a GREAT DEAL of flexibility for quality of life, vacation and increase or decrease in pay. I have used PBS and what we have is a great deal better for all concerned. Our current system is much like "ding..free to move around the country"....there is no way PBS will give us the freedom in our schedule. PBS is a non-starter when compared to what we have now.....even if we keep the current side letters.....we would still be much better off.
Radarlove we (SWA pilots), do appreciate your comments as PBS is a system that most of use do not understand. Like wise our present system isn't broke, its just that the company is looking for even more productivity out of our pilots. I'm not sure how your productivitly is for your pilot group, but I'm guessing that if we are not more productive we are very close. It's tough for a lot of use to change systems when we already work 3 on 4 off and are very productive doing it. Please keep the informatin coming as it helps us understand a system that might effect us in the future.
radarlove said:
See? Luddite. I give up. Three people have shown you your errors and you cover your ears and say "nananananna".

Based on 10 years of experience at SWA, I am looking at this pragmatically. You obviously don't work for SWA or understand how our collective bargaining association works, or you'd be right there with me. If PBS works where you are, great. It will not work to the benefit of SWA pilots.

Some people in this world don't want their cheese moved.

It doens't matter to any of us three whether you vote for it or not, but all three of us have had great experiences--which you couldn't care about, you've already set your mind even though you have not a clue, nor experience about the subject. Folks like you make me nuts on this board, I don't know why I even bothered the time to type.

See my above answer.... we obviously work for different carriers. If it works for you, then GREAT. It will not work at SWA.......

At least you're not rude, SWA hires nice folks, but they sure seem to be stuck in a time machine.

I agree.....
OffHot said:
Radarlove we (SWA pilots), do appreciate your comments as PBS is a system that most of use do not understand. Like wise our present system isn't broke, its just that the company is looking for even more productivity out of our pilots. I'm not sure how your productivitly is for your pilot group, but I'm guessing that if we are not more productive we are very close. It's tough for a lot of use to change systems when we already work 3 on 4 off and are very productive doing it. Please keep the informatin coming as it helps us understand a system that might effect us in the future.

Well, thanks. That was a nice thing to say. As I said, SWA hires nice people.
Well, like someone mentioned earlier, by going from 3-day to 4-day trips, it will obviously make it harder to pick up extra trips for those who are looking to make extra money. Would certainly be a consideration if I was in you guys' shoes :)
AlbieF15 said:
Why does everyone want to "tar and feather" a guy who says he wants to quit his airline and go elsewhere?

He would have to get hired by SWA before he quit, I'm not the only one who knows he does not work at SWA and only starts flames, am I?:rolleyes: (Ok, except SWADude who also pointed it out)
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I think what most SWA guys on here are nervous about is that our "union" only cares about age 60 repeal. ANYTHING else is secondhand. Therefore, PBS would be a bad thing for us. We would get hosed.


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