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SWA took one step closer to being a regional carrier

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Hey Gupp[iedriver

Even if you put a percentage of trips in open time it would not be anyting like what we have with monthly overlap, training conflicts, etc. ALso PBS gives you your vacation and nothing else....those of you NOT WITH SWA do not understand the current system......we have alot of latitude.......to create blank space around your vacation block. I used PBS for 2 years at another carrier...you guys can have the coolaid...but don't try and pass it on to us.
Bottom line is if you have not used our system at SWA you cannot understand the impact of PBS.......I on the other hand have used PBS and can compare it to our present system. Hands down, we have a much better system when you look at flexibility, earning power and vacations......why would be want to change a system that serves EVERYONE from the lowest bidder to the senior guys/gals.
airlinepilot said:
Even if you put a percentage of trips in open time it would not be anyting like what we have with monthly overlap, training conflicts, etc. ALso PBS gives you your vacation and nothing else....those of you NOT WITH SWA do not understand the current system......we have alot of latitude.......to create blank space around your vacation block. I used PBS for 2 years at another carrier...you guys can have the coolaid...but don't try and pass it on to us.
Bottom line is if you have not used our system at SWA you cannot understand the impact of PBS.......I on the other hand have used PBS and can compare it to our present system. Hands down, we have a much better system when you look at flexibility, earning power and vacations......why would be want to change a system that serves EVERYONE from the lowest bidder to the senior guys/gals.

I never once debated the differences between PBS and your current system. I simply stated what PBS is capable of.

Once again.....YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT PBS. I turned a seven day vacation block into 24 days off in a row. How is that not blank space around vacation? PBS does not remove trip trade flexibility. It is simply a program that builds lines. With PBS I can build a line that jams all of my flying in the beginning, end or middle of the month, if I want. Getting a string of eight or nine days off in a row is easy.

If we are staffed correctly, we can do all of those things you talked about too...trip trades, drop/pick up, etc. PBS has nothing to do with post bid award flexibility. We use Maestro to do trip trades, etc.

I couldn't care less if you like PBS or want it, I'm simply giving you facts about PBS, believe them or not.

Kool-Aide drinker? Considering the source, that's funny.
Guppiedriver said:
I couldn't care less if you like PBS or want it, I'm simply giving you facts about PBS, believe them or not.

Heyas GD,

Yup. I'm don't trying to explain the system to people. I've never gotten less than 2x my vacation days with PBS, and that was one time. Mostly it's been an extra 10-15 days.

I'm hardly senior, and over the past few years I've gotten 18 day off lines with commutable trips and as much credit as I can stand EVERY MONTH. That's right, 4 on 6 off. I use the same bid every month, and it takes me about 5 minutes. I spent ZERO time sharpshooting open time...in fact, I never even look at it, because my schedule is already perfect.

We have our own version of the call-out list (and believe me, the company uses it) and we have gobs of open flying to trade with (up or down) or simply pick up. I don't think that SWA has the monopoly on flexibility in that regard.

But, whatever...we had our own set of naysayers who just didn't want to take the time to learn a new system, and a few others who worked the system benefit themselves. Fortunately for us, they were in the minority, and now life is MUCH better for everyone.

Heyas NUguy,
who you with?

For those of you who provided information on your current PBS - how did your company and your union arrive at the current system? Were ppl pretty happy with it outof the box, or did it take further negotiation?
NuGuy said:
I've never gotten less than 2x my vacation days with PBS, and that was one time. Mostly it's been an extra 10-15 days.


This is what happens with PBS, however the people who DO NOT want it at SWA will still tell everyone that you can only get 7 days of vacation in a month with PBS. So if there are any 7 day guys out there explain to me how, if you wanted a vacation month with 100 TFP, and vacation paid 35 TFP (example), how 65 TFP would equal anything more than 10 days of work or possibly 8 with 2 well paying 4 days. Bid a 4 day at the beginning of the month and a 4 day at the end of the month and have 23 days off straight in January. I know the advantages of PBS, but I do agree with many that I would not trust that our Union would have the experience to properly implement it. Heck, we still cannot ELITT a trip 108 hours before it, the FA's can ELITT any trip 9 hours before, and trade into a better trip. With our Union, vacation would probably be 11 TFP and a meal voucher.

The NWA system was implemented in stages, and is, oddly enough, still considered an "experimental system" for the purposes of the LOA.

First and formost. DON'T REINVENT THE WHEEL. Tell your MEC to suck up their pride, set up a committee and send them over to NWA Computer Bidding Committee to learn at the feet of the masters. No one has more experience with PBS. The NWA pilot group has cycled through 3 software vendors and several interfaces, and they know what they are doing.

At NWA, the system started out on one aircraft at one base (say 300 pilots in MEM). As time progressed, and the kinks were worked out, additional aircraft were added. By far the most difficult group to implement were the widebody schedules, due to the nature of the trips (small trip pool made of large trips). But all of these issues were overcome.

SWA could do the same. Pick one base...a small one, and maybe FOs only, and go from there.

Our (NWA) bidding system is excellent. A few folks from other carriers who I showed it to were very impressed and envious. I will meet with anyone in Dallas on Hwy 75 N. at a Kinkos and show it to you for a Grande Coffee from the Starbucks located next store.
I just turn my 1 week of vaction into 24 days off for FEB '06.

We have NWAs TURB plots, which are "the best out there, hands down" to quote our training guru in Dallas, why not look into their PBS system too.
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SWA/FO said:
I just turn my 1 week of vaction into 24 days off for FEB '06.

I'm working EVERY Saturday, because I wanted the Super Bowl off and needed the 8th off also.:smash:
Guppiedriver said:
.....YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT PBS. I turned a seven day vacation block into 24 days off in a row. How is that not blank space around vacation?

Ok I understand that you can get big blocks of time off around a vacation using PBS. My question is did you get your normal pay for the month, or did having the large blocks of time cost money? In other words to make the same amount as normal (after considering the 1 week vacation) did you have to fly acompressed schedule to get the block of time off or lose money. At SWA I can turn a 1 week vacation into a large block of time off (with no, or minimal, loss of pay) without flying my butt off outside of the vacation time. This is not meant as a slam, just trying to comparwe the 2 systems.

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