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SWA to England?

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You take this forum far too personally. This is an aviation forum where opinions and different perspectives are shared. GL has friends at SWA and so do I. You probably have friends at Delta and you know what their QOL is like.

Look, SWA's style of flying is vastly different than the style of flying currently found at Delta (although that may change if DAL gets E190s). Who really cares what GL is saying - you don't have to read what he says or take it so personally.... If you really enjoy your job and the multi-hop days then good for you! If he really gets jazzed about flying 767s to Europe and South America then good for him. Consider yourself lucky that you fly for a stable airline that pays you well. If we all had the same opinions and perspectives then this forum would be REALLY REALLY BORING...

I may have gotten carried away with the caps; my intent was not to imply yelling but rather to highlight individual words. I assure you that I don't take GL's comments, this website, or anything else too seriously.

But you bring up a point that illustrates what I'm talking about. You're right, I do have friends at Delta, but it would be an overstatement to say that I know what their QOL is. I know what I have heard from a few people about Delta. That's a far cry from working there, and I will leave the job of informing everyone about Delta to the people who work there. I just think GL should do the same.

The bottom line is this: We're talking about TWO GREAT companies; with different things to offer for different people. No one is right or wrong. We should ALL consider ourselves lucky. I know I do.
He is also misinforming people about our schedules. While we have 5, 6 and even some 7 leg days they are more and more rare. He really likes to beat a dead horse. I actually think his long haul flying experience consist of Microsft 2000 flying. He is the type that says hello I am GL did I mention I am a pilot. His wife must have one heck of a pool boy. I am DAL I have yet to fly more then 5. Usually I fly 2 or 3.

Besides I know a few at Dleta and they hate it there. Plus I hope they rocket out of BK. Its not that hard after not paying your bills. Its nice how these others are touting there profits now. I wonder how the vendors and creditors feel after being screwed. How much of a profit would they have if they paid all there debts back. New dateline NBC "Dead Beat Airlines" have you paid for one.

General Lee really wound you up. He won, you lost. Really, you are spewing hatred of Delta because one of their pilots does not like your schedules, which his friends tell him about.
I may have gotten carried away with the caps; my intent was not to imply yelling but rather to highlight individual words. I assure you that I don't take GL's comments, this website, or anything else too seriously.

But you bring up a point that illustrates what I'm talking about. You're right, I do have friends at Delta, but it would be an overstatement to say that I know what their QOL is. I know what I have heard from a few people about Delta. That's a far cry from working there, and I will leave the job of informing everyone about Delta to the people who work there. I just think GL should do the same.

The bottom line is this: We're talking about TWO GREAT companies; with different things to offer for different people. No one is right or wrong. We should ALL consider ourselves lucky. I know I do.

Good post. I take most of what GL has to say with a grain of salt - he can be entertaining at times. At the end of the day, he is proud to be a Delta pilot and you guys should be proud SWA pilots. I am a lowly regional jet pilot trying to make my next move - your situation could certainly be a lot worse...

I will also agree with what Heavy Set is saying: pilots looking into flying for SWA or Delta or CAL (and others) should understand what type of flying they are getting into. SWA offers different types of flying: regional-like multi-hop flying and some long-haul. I think that is great variety. Potential SWA pilots need to consider whether that type of flying (including 30 minute turns) is their type of flying before proceeding with an application. Same is true for Delta flying.
No he didnt. I dont get wound up. I really dont care what he says. He is just a moron. That isnt smart enough to spew anything but his repetitive gibberish.

Where is the hatred at Delta? I dont mind Delta, I use to ride on them alot(as a paying passenger). Just like my friends at Delta tell me about there schedules and work rules. They dont like it. The ones that go long haul cant stand it. It would be nice to have the option and maybe one day SWA will. But for now I will stick with the infamous LBB overnight. That I havent done either and I am looking forward to it. There are alot of great pilots I have met from Delta. I have nothing against them. Just some idiot that gets on here and spews idiotic statements like the little boy lee. That he really doesnt know much about. He hasnt answered the others question about his buds leaving SWA for Delta.

If you are talking about the profits and exiting BK. Well I am not sorry for that. A bud of mine did something similar. Files personal BK then goes and buys a car. The creditors that were screwed by him didnt get there money. But he can buy a used BMW. Go figure!! I believe in paying what owe. I am glad to work for a company that does the same.
You really are taking this hard, and he is getting the best of you.

Like he says, not everyone wants to work that hard, and people should look into your type of flying before committing to an interview.

General Lee really wound you up. He won, you lost.

Heavy Set=General Lee.

Took me awhile, but I finally figured it out.
No he didnt. I dont get wound up. I really dont care what he says. He is just a moron. That isnt smart enough to spew anything but his repetitive gibberish.

Where is the hatred at Delta? I dont mind Delta, I use to ride on them alot(as a paying passenger). Just like my friends at Delta tell me about there schedules and work rules. They dont like it. The ones that go long haul cant stand it. It would be nice to have the option and maybe one day SWA will. But for now I will stick with the infamous LBB overnight. That I havent done either and I am looking forward to it. There are alot of great pilots I have met from Delta. I have nothing against them. Just some idiot that gets on here and spews idiotic statements like the little boy lee. That he really doesnt know much about. He hasnt answered the others question about his buds leaving SWA for Delta.

If you are talking about the profits and exiting BK. Well I am not sorry for that. A bud of mine did something similar. Files personal BK then goes and buys a car. The creditors that were screwed by him didnt get there money. But he can buy a used BMW. Go figure!! I believe in paying what owe. I am glad to work for a company that does the same.

You don't mind Delta? You bagged on us about not paying our bills in BK (something ANY company in BK doesn't do----if SWA gets it arse spanked by Skybus, maybe you guys can try it, and man you will be happy there are laws that protect you so you can get back up on your feet---this isn't Communist Russia you know---you sound like a commie), and slammed the group, just because I don't like your schedules. Waaaaaa. You sound really defensive and hurt. I am sorry. Feel better now?

Bye Bye--General Lee
Heavy Set=General Lee.

Took me awhile, but I finally figured it out.

Ummm, yep. That is right. Uh--huh. Yes. You got it? And you are also SWA/FO......

Bye Bye--General Lee
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Actually I slammed all in BK not just Delta. I am a commie if that means I pay my bills. Protection is one thing, abuse is another. Bk is abused. It is the welfare system for corporate America. Some will use it to get out of a tough spot. Others will abuse the heck out of it. Eliminate our bills and order new planes. Its just funny how you and others tout there profits yet fail to mention not paying there debts. Heck even I can make a go of that. Management here I come. Not really!!

Talk about ill wishing. Maybe Skylush will do a spanking on Delta. Not that I hope they do. Skylush needs to go away.

Off to do my 9 legs to LBB with a MLF turn.
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Actually I slammed all in BK not just Delta. I am a commie if that means I pay my bills. Protection is one thing, abuse is another. Bk is abused. It is the welfare system for corporate America. Some will use it to get out of a tough spot. Others will abuse the heck out of it. Eliminate our bills and order new planes. Its just funny how you and others tout there profits yet fail to mention not paying there debts. Heck even I can make a go of that. Management here I come. Not really!!

Talk about ill wishing. Maybe Skylush will do a spanking on Delta. Not that I hope they do. Skylush needs to go away.

Off to do my 9 legs to LBB with a MLF turn.

Hmmm, let's see, Delta didn't sit in BK quite as long as United, and used the system the way it is set up, for anyone. It's nice to know though that you also believe in cutting off the hand of a burgler, and stoning women for adultary. You need to move to Saudi Arabia, where you would feel much more at home with your "take no prisoners" attitude. Giddeup cowboy!

And, how do you do a MLF turn? Is that like a MILF? Do you know a MILF?

Bye Bye--General Lee
MLF was sarcasim for your little brain. Let the punishment fit the crime buddy. If you can buy planes pay back your debts first. Giddyup cowgirl! Nice to see you like to receive the handouts. I suppose everyone should declear BK that would make it all better. Have fun free loading!!

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