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SWA to England?

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Back to the original post.....

If SWA is going to Europe it will be flown by the codeshare agreement with ATA Airlines, in my opinion. Not SWA B737-700ers or used B767s like your MEC chairman said.

Flying international routes can pay big but they can lose even bigger. A profitable international route can turn into a cash burning route just by throwing in some international unrest like terrorism or just for world economic reasons. SWA is the smartest airline I have ever observed and I believe that they will use ATA to enxperimet with and take all the financial risks of their venture into "over the pond" flying. Why not, they get the feed and the very important intel for next to nothing. BRILLIANT! Five plus years down the road maybe you will see SWA either cutting ATA's throat, purchase parts of ATA that they need or just stay with the same program, FLEXIBILITY.

SWA pilots will not like seeing 30 to 40 passengers leave their flight and walking to a Paris bound ATA jet while they overnight in Lubbock. They will just have to stay focused on their big take home pay and sleeping well at night knowing that they are working for a stable airline. Most SWA pilots I know are very in tuned with the fact that what's good for the SWA Company is generally good for them.

Whew! Snap!

{This is an inside 'joke' fellas.}
There used to be a pretty dang good BBQ place near the LBB airport.

But, General, I live in Dallas, commute to LAX and RON in HI. I've got a great tan, and never wear a coat or double-breasted jacket or hat. One leg per day; easiest flying ever. I will trade all that to live in Dallas, be based in DAL or even HOU, be paid WN wages, and RON in LBB. Unfortunately WN doesn't want me.

To each his own. Let's just leave it at that, shall we?
General, A couple questions:

1. Are your friends at SWA aware of how you feel about their company? Have you told them to their face that their trips are "gawd awful"?

2. Another poster asked this question and you haven't answered it: Are these friends of yours applying elsewhere (Maybe DAL) to get out of SWA? Since you are such good friends with them that you know their (and thus ALL OF OUR) QOL as well as we do, I figure you would know.

3. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it is ABSURD for YOU to tell US how much WE enjoy our OUR jobs? (You specifically said that it "WILL get old.") Wouldn't you find it ABSURD if I told YOU that YOUR Carribean turns WILL get old? I think you would. So isn't it a gross departure from logic that YOU would do the same to US?

You take this forum far too personally. This is an aviation forum where opinions and different perspectives are shared. GL has friends at SWA and so do I. You probably have friends at Delta and you know what their QOL is like.

Look, SWA's style of flying is vastly different than the style of flying currently found at Delta (although that may change if DAL gets E190s). Who really cares what GL is saying - you don't have to read what he says or take it so personally.... If you really enjoy your job and the multi-hop days then good for you! If he really gets jazzed about flying 767s to Europe and South America then good for him. Consider yourself lucky that you fly for a stable airline that pays you well. If we all had the same opinions and perspectives then this forum would be REALLY REALLY BORING...
Just curious....

why are the general's strong opinions, comments, criticisms and questions "aviation information" and skyboy's questions "taking it too personally" ?

What's the difference?
Just curious....

why are the general's strong opinions, comments, criticisms and questions "aviation information" and skyboy's questions "taking it too personally" ?

What's the difference?

If you don't like what you see you can skip the post entirely or you can block individual contributors. If you reread Skyboy's recent posts, it sounds like he is taking it personally. Let's just agree that we are all entitled to our opinions and viewpoints and that this is a public forum. Who cares what someone says about your airline. SWA is undeniably one of the best airlines in the world and it pays very well.
General, A couple questions:

1. Are your friends at SWA aware of how you feel about their company? Have you told them to their face that their trips are "gawd awful"?

2. Another poster asked this question and you haven't answered it: Are these friends of yours applying elsewhere (Maybe DAL) to get out of SWA? Since you are such good friends with them that you know their (and thus ALL OF OUR) QOL as well as we do, I figure you would know.

3. Why is it so hard for you to understand that it is ABSURD for YOU to tell US how much WE enjoy our OUR jobs? (You specifically said that it "WILL get old.") Wouldn't you find it ABSURD if I told YOU that YOUR Carribean turns WILL get old? I think you would. So isn't it a gross departure from logic that YOU would do the same to US?

You really are taking this hard, and he is getting the best of you. Relax and take a chill pill. A point he seems to bring up a lot is that Delta offers options on different types of flying, like his turns or other domestic flying, along with longhaul. That is something Southwest will probably always lack.
Your attitude is sickening. It really is all about you. Too bad.

He is informing people about your schedules. Like he says, not everyone wants to work that hard, and people should look into your type of flying before committing to an interview.
He is also misinforming people about our schedules. While we have 5, 6 and even some 7 leg days they are more and more rare. He really likes to beat a dead horse. I actually think his long haul flying experience consist of Microsft 2000 flying. He is the type that says hello I am GL did I mention I am a pilot. His wife must have one heck of a pool boy. I am DAL I have yet to fly more then 5. Usually I fly 2 or 3.

Besides I know a few at Dleta and they hate it there. Plus I hope they rocket out of BK. Its not that hard after not paying your bills. Its nice how these others are touting there profits now. I wonder how the vendors and creditors feel after being screwed. How much of a profit would they have if they paid all there debts back. New dateline NBC "Dead Beat Airlines" have you paid for one.

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