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SWA tactics on the ramp and taxiways

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ATC does treat SWA differently at times because they expect us to move quicker, but not unsafely. A few years ago I was cleared to land on 22 at HOU. Tower then cleared a Delta 737 for takeoff. Delta dii it slowly causing us to go around. No big deal it happens. What wasn't normal was the tower controller saying that he was sorry that he forgot that Delta doesn't fly like SWA. As for taxi speeds our FOM (which was approved by the FAA) has the max taxi speed of 20 Kts on strait taxiways, all other times it is 15
Hose A. Jiminez said:
Upgrading at a busch league airline does not unleash jealousy.

A few years back you guys used to whine on this forum about legacy pilots making comments like these about SWA. You talked about how unprofessional it was, how arrogant we were and so on. Now you guys demonstrate on a daily basis that ya'll are no better. The big dog just can't resist a fire hydrant.

Jose. That is the first post I have ever seen you write without using douche bag, your favorite term. Don't forget to reply now to fill your quotta. Then go play with one!
The shoe is on the other foot and it looks as if some people don't like it now.
737tanker said:
As for taxi speeds our FOM (which was approved by the FAA) has the max taxi speed of 20 Kts on strait taxiways, all other times it is 15

Normal is 20 or less. Max is 30 on straight taxiways.
Thanks IVAUIR. That's the first professional response to my post that I've seen on this thread. You are obviously one of the many professional aviators at LUV.

Have a great day
Mugs said:
A few years back you guys used to whine on this forum about legacy pilots making comments like these about SWA. You talked about how unprofessional it was, how arrogant we were and so on. Now you guys demonstrate on a daily basis that ya'll are no better. The big dog just can't resist a fire hydrant.

Jose. That is the first post I have ever seen you write without using douche bag, your favorite term. Don't forget to reply now to fill your quotta. Then go play with one!

My rediculous statement was meant to mirror the reduculousness of Ty's original post.

Almost forgot... DOUCHE BAG!!!
Speaking of SWA in the old days, allow me a short "there I was..." story.

In the early nineties I was flying a King Aire out of BHM. Coming back in one summer night, the whole southeast seemed to explode into cumulo-nimbus nymphos (F---ing thunderstorms) .

Who knows how these things develop, but the end result was there was one little bowling lane into the airport, and we were shooting down it and running out of options. SWA had just landed and rolled to the end (9000'), and in those days they had to back taxi about 3000' to the ramp.

Long story short - we had to land, like right then. And the tower guy (a part time charter pilot) knew it. He asked SWA if they would mind sitting at the far end while we landed. They graciously said yes.

We made the world's shortest landing in a -200 (the PIC put flats on all four mains) and turned off at about 2000'.

Thinking back from my current perspective, those guys could have objected and probably should have. And they could have raised a stink at the FSDO. But they didn't, and for that those SWA dudes are all right in my book!
More on Cry Babies

Too many people in this buisiness get irritated at the most minor offenses, and then lavishly praise the most minor courtesies. Gee, ten years ago this SWA guy cut me off! Wow, this SWA guy gave me a ride home one day in a rainstorm! Grow some skin ya cry babies... and live by the Golden Rule!
In OAK? I guess you're talking about taking runway 29 at uniform. Sometimes when we're light we'll ask if uniform is available. If if is we'll launch.

Sorry Lear guy if that makes you mad. Just because you may have taxied out ahead of someone doesn't mean you are or will be ready when you get there, which is why we'll usually let the tower know we'll be ready at the end or ready in sequence.

In MHT, perhaps the guy with the beef about not getting to go first should have taken the diagonal when he taxied. For what its worth I've been up there and followed a CRJ that looked like he was practicing for a slowdown. It was probably that guy doing all the complaining.

Sounds like he just has a beef against SW in general. And of course its easy to jump on the band wagon and feed the urban myth... gotta keep that going after all.

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