I can never follow the changes in logic along this line of thought. I so often hear that big brother GK came storming in uninvited to negotiations and fought valiantly for SWA pilots much to the detriment of ALPA members. If he doesn't care about his employees then what exactly happened? You simply can't fight both sides of the argument since they are diametrically opposed. So please tell me, which is it, fights for his employees or couldn't care less?
Fighting to benefit SWAPA was just another bean counter's move. That's why I've never taken any of it personally and have no animosity towards GK. It's just business. He had a choice: piss off 1/3 of the combined group, or piss off 2/3 of the combined group. Because no matter what, one of those two groups is going to end up really pissed off. He made the same choice I would have made. Had nothing to do with "caring."
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