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Ugh. The down side of taking waveflyer off the ignore list to debate guns is that I have to see his sugary sweet odes of love to GK. He's just an executive, wave, not your BFF.
We play golf

Oh- and he didn't furlough me or anyone in '09.
What did your beloved CEO do at the former AT back then?

How are the workouts coming ?
We play golf

Oh- and he didn't furlough me or anyone in '09.
What did your beloved CEO do at the former AT back then?

My CEO wasn't "beloved." He was just a CEO. No different than your CEO, the General's CEO, or anyone else's CEO. They're all just bean counters. If you think he really cares about you, you're dreaming.
My CEO wasn't "beloved." He was just a CEO. No different than your CEO, the General's CEO, or anyone else's CEO. They're all just bean counters. If you think he really cares about you, you're dreaming.

Oh, but he does care about you because he could go so many other places and get paid so much more money. :laugh:
You've met him then? Had a beer or 3 ?

He is a bean counter- then answer TFQ-

Why did your bean counter come up with a different answer to the furlough question in 2009?
Why when he was CFO did he reach a different conclusion after 9/11?

You're a troll struggling with losing your ALPA power base. Jesus, I'll critique GK w/ the best of them, but he's an above average airline CEO -to not admit that proves agenda, idiocy, or both.

How are those workouts going? You know they don't want a bulging double breasted suit, right?
You've met him then? Had a beer or 3 ?

Nope, never met him, except in passing at the various kool aid distribution parties.

Why did your bean counter come up with a different answer to the furlough question in 2009?
Why when he was CFO did he reach a different conclusion after 9/11?

Because he didn't have the cash cushion that your bean counter had. When you've got enough money sitting in the bank, you can start to weigh priorities of keeping up the appearance of a certain CULTure and not worry so much about having to burn the furniture just to stay alive. Would Fornaro have furloughed if he had been sitting on a few hundred millions more in cash? I don't think so. Different situations lead to different decisions. I'm no fan of Fornaro, but I'm no hater of him, either. Pretty much the same way I feel about GK. These guys aren't gods. They aren't your best buddy. They aren't your family member. They're just executives doing a job.

How are those workouts going? You know they don't want a bulging double breasted suit, right?

Actually, I've let the workout routine slip a little bit, unfortunately. I need to get back on it. Been too busy focusing on getting the hell out of here before the displacement to SWA comes along next year. And no, I'm not looking for a u-boat commander uniform. I've pretty much had my fill of the airline business. But I wish you the best of luck with it.
They're all just bean counters. If you think he really cares about you, you're dreaming.

I can never follow the changes in logic along this line of thought. I so often hear that big brother GK came storming in uninvited to negotiations and fought valiantly for SWA pilots much to the detriment of ALPA members. If he doesn't care about his employees then what exactly happened? You simply can't fight both sides of the argument since they are diametrically opposed. So please tell me, which is it, fights for his employees or couldn't care less?
We all slip up, no matter how fit or athletic- just get back on it ASAP-
And good luck in your new ventures as well.

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, he said:

Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”
Because he didn't have the cash cushion that your bean counter had. When you've got enough money sitting in the bank, you can start to weigh priorities of keeping up the appearance of a certain CULTure and not worry so much about having to burn the furniture just to stay alive. Would Fornaro have furloughed if he had been sitting on a few hundred millions more in cash? I don't think so. Different situations lead to different decisions. I'm no fan of Fornaro, but I'm no hater of him, either. Pretty much the same way I feel about GK. These guys aren't gods. They aren't your best buddy. They aren't your family member. They're just executives doing a job.
Exactly, and this was one of the big reasons why the AirTran MC disagreed with you when you said we were guaranteed a DOH list from an arbitration panel.

Actually, I've let the workout routine slip a little bit, unfortunately. I need to get back on it. Been too busy focusing on getting the hell out of here before the displacement to SWA comes along next year. And no, I'm not looking for a u-boat commander uniform. I've pretty much had my fill of the airline business. But I wish you the best of luck with it.
I am sure part of your departure is to never have to fly with guys like me again. If you put half the energy into your new endeavors as you did your union work, you will do great. Just remember when you are working on multi-million dollar real estate deals that a negotiated comprehensive agreement is usually superior to having a third party determine the outcome.
My CEO wasn't "beloved." He was just a CEO. No different than your CEO, the General's CEO, or anyone else's CEO. They're all just bean counters. If you think he really cares about you, you're dreaming.
Yes but if you do not count beans, you may run out of beans, and then all the people who like getting beans on the regular basis will no longer get beans. The ultimate sign of caring fro your employes if keeping track of the beans. Now all that being said it is sometimes hard to understand some of the decisions the bean counters make.

If you do drop out of aviation, counting beans will be the most important part of any endeavor you go into next. If you do drop out please keep us posted on your progress, the grass may not be a green as you think on the other side of the cockpit door.

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