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SWA pilot rejects FDX

  • Thread starter CaptainMark
  • Start date
  • Watchers 32

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Too bad the guy didn't have his purple crystal ball in front of him. Chances are very good that he would have finished training and probably held MEM on the next bid.
From one of the bottom feeders....It is great. I can work as little as I want and be at home with my family and get paid for it. I flew with an engineer who flew all of three times in the last two months, and he's a new hire. He told me he sometimes forgets he actually has a job. Life's what you make of it, ground floor and all.
Haywood said:
From one of the bottom feeders....It is great. I can work as little as I want and be at home with my family and get paid for it. I flew with an engineer who flew all of three times in the last two months, and he's a new hire. He told me he sometimes forgets he actually has a job. Life's what you make of it, ground floor and all.

If you are sitting at home and getting paid for it, it won´t be long until your managment guys come after pay and work rule cuts. I think I remember the DAL and UAL guys bragging about the same stuff a few years ago. Now they work lots and get paid very little. With the cargo competition coming into play, don´t think that things at FDX will be the same in a few years.
Different strokes....ain't no wrong answers.

I passed on JB in 2002 largely due to commute issues and my ANG obligations. FDX was a perfect fit. It still is, but had I lived in a JB city the decision might have gone another way. (Before my FDX brethren go postal on me, realize I was making this choice without understanding all the great advantages to a FDX career...)

I've worked with clients who have gone to UPS vice SWA and vice versa. I've seen clients with the SWA/JB choice and the SWA/FDX choice and have made choices both ways. In the end, its not just about maximizing dollars or job security, its about picking a career that keeps you happy and that you can live with. I wish everyone the best with their own decisions...

Want to start a REALLY interested thread? I know a married couple where MRS is a UPS pilot and MR is at FDX. I'd love to hear their pros/cons list.
I suspected the bottom feeders did pretty well at FedEx. Not like 2002-2203.

I, too, agree this guy must not be too dedicated to his career. Wife probably has a kickin' job or values the next year living in domicile more than what would come after. I'm surprised you FedEx folks don't school me on how it is the ground floor right now due to widebody growth. My sources tell me time to 727 FO in less than a year and time to wide body FO will be incredibly short the next 24 months.

C'mon guys spread the word on how it is over there. Give us some specifics. You won't get flames from me, I just like to hear how it is.
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you mean you would rather be unemployed that[sic]

fly for the largest most profitable cargo airline in the world

--...that only exists because UPS allows it

with the best vacation policy, retirement plan and work rules.

--Cyclical...remember UAL 6 years ago? It only takes something such as cabotage in the US cargo market to be the freight dogs' 9-11 catalyst.

i guess you don't want to fly widebodies all over the world or even domestically....

--I have flown widebodies and Cessnas...both have wings and make noise. Who cares what MGTOW your plane has....it's all about how many days off you get and how much dough you get paid to drive it. ...not to mention the many other myriad of bene's you should hope to earn, without regard to the size of the plane that you fly.

i guess u don't want to retire a millionaire...

--Again, Cyclical. Actually, every airline with a B-Fund and a conservative annual ROR will provide at least a million bucks in 20 years.

and FDX is about 60% dayflying now...you aren't too bright huh?

--So 40% of your life is spent working all night long on the back side of the clock? No thanks. I am getting too many pre-mature gray hairs as it is.
- "you mean you would rather be unemployed that fly for the largest most profitable cargo airline in the world with the best vacation policy, retirement plan and work rules."

Simply put, YES.

- "i guess you don't want to fly widebodies all over the world or even domestically."

Correct. I have passed up that type of flying for the last 14 years.

- "i guess u don't want to retire a millionaire."

Again, correct...I'll be retiring in two years with only about 3/4 of that amount....at age 49.

-".. and FDX is about 60% dayflying now."

That's great. But even one night at the hub/sort is one too many in my book. Been there, done that.

- "..you aren't too bright huh?"

That's a matter of opinion. I prefer to retire early, with my health intact, and enjoy life.

Now, one more thing Captain Mark:

As an ex-Freight Dog I know of what I speak. I simply stated my opinion and my personal preference for the type of flying I care, or don't care, to do.

That's all.

Apparently you have some issues with this and felt a need to end your comments with a personal attack.

Ask yourself..."Why"?

Enjoy what you do, that's great, it's not for ME however.

I would rather be unemployed/retired and spend my days (and nights) as I see fit.

To each his own.

P.S.- If this is Mark Burkhardt (sp?) Urquie would not be proud of you!
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Whine Lover said:
P.S.- If this is Mark Burkhardt (sp?) Urquie would not be proud of you!

It's not. Burkhardt's too nice to be FDX's version of SWA/FO.
[quote Albief15=Want to start a REALLY interested thread? I know a married couple where MRS is a UPS pilot and MR is at FDX. I'd love to hear their pros/cons list.[/quote]

So... your saying she moved his package while he moved her box??

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