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SWA/Airtran Process Agreement??

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...; sadly, you have no excuses for the sorry state of your contract, except for the recalcitrance of your management, I suppose. Happily, both of those detriments to your career will be fixed by becoming part of SWAPA. Welcome aboard!


So, what is the "sorry state" of our contract?
This is a like a dog chasing his tail. I do not care what the new nugget of information that satisfies any one persons reasoning. We have heard it a thousand times already. Less than two weeks the process will start for real. Until then stop kicking each other in the balls, just because you know it will hurt, only to get kicked yourself in return. And if you do not have balls, and work for any other company besides Airtran or Southwest, my apologies.
Ha-ha. While you're at it, let's see a comparison of SWA pay and benefits in 1989 (your 16th year) relative to AirTran in 2011 (our 16th year). Our upside, with 50 orders (33% increase over present fleet) and just scratching international markets, is much higher than a stagnant, 40 year-old carrier.

We all respect what SWA has built, but if you really want to compare us to Shuttle America/Chataqua, you're just kidding yourself, and insulting us.

I'm not comparing you to Shuttle America nor Chautaqua (sp?), nor is it my intention to insult anyone at AirTran. I'm saying in that case of one regional acquiring another regional (versus one LCC acquiring another LCC in our case), that the contractual disparities are similar, that those disparities were germane to that particular integration, and, imo, our disparities will play a part in our integration, because they are objective examples of the differences in career expectations.

As for comparing SWA pay and benefits in 1989 with your current, adjusted for inflation, I would be more than willing to take that bet. I'll work on the numbers and get back to you. Your upside, in your 16th year, was a 33% increase over your present fleet in I believe an approx. 7 year period, was probably similar to Southwests increase in their fleet size between 1989-1996. Again, I'll get back to you on the numbers.

As for comparing your 16 year old "upside" carrier to our stagnant, 40 year old carrier - well, that's where we disagree. Comparing Southwest at the 16th year has no bearing on the discussion, in fact, because we are talking about the value of a Southwest career attained in 1993 through the present to an AirTran career attained during the same time. Yes, at some point in our past we may have been at the same place as you guys (I don't think so, but could be wrong) but that is irrelevant. The assertion that I am trying to make is that throughout the existence of ValuJet/AirTran, it has always been (objectively) harder to get hired at Southwest, paid more to work for Southwest, been a more secure job environment at Southwest, been a more desirable place to work at Southwest - in essence, a more valuable career at Southwest than AirTran. Denying these facts, which are based on objective criteria, seems disingenuous and counter-productive to honest discussion of this particular integration.

When your seniority at AirTran is translated into seniority on the SWAPA master seniority list, those factors should and probably will make a difference in where it falls. To do otherwise would be unfair and inequitable to every Southwest pilot, imo. I'm glad that you respect what SWA has built, but a little respect for what SWAPA has achieved would be nice also.

Respectfully and Fraternally,
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So, what is the "sorry state" of our contract?

Ok, I apologize for the statement "sorry state of your contract". After reading it, it came off as a put-down that I didn't intend. I just meant that relative to ours and the industry in general, it was on the low side.

This is a like a dog chasing his tail. I do not care what the new nugget of information that satisfies any one persons reasoning. We have heard it a thousand times already. Less than two weeks the process will start for real. Until then stop kicking each other in the balls, just because you know it will hurt, only to get kicked yourself in return. And if you do not have balls, and work for any other company besides Airtran or Southwest, my apologies.

Agreed. Well put. Most of us respond on here when our sensibilities are offended. . . . So, the most outrageous post get a response, the reasonable ones get ignored, and only the most extreme positions get any "play" on here, unfortunately.

I'm glad that it will be the NC/MC committees settling this and not us Flightinfo folks.

Great post Ty!

I've said it twice already. A negotiated agreement will come by the end of July! Welcome to the family!

Does this mean you're gonna take a dump in my lunchbox if it goes DOH or better?

Nope, not at all. I'll buy you a beer and eat crow. I'll buy you a beer regardless, and welcome you to the best airline I think anyone could hope to work for. I don't think the eating crow part is gonna happen though, fwiw.
Agreed. Well put. Most of us respond on here when our sensibilities are offended. . . . So, the most outrageous post get a response, the reasonable ones get ignored, and only the most extreme positions get any "play" on here, unfortunately.

I'm glad that it will be the NC/MC committees settling this and not us Flightinfo folks.


I think this is the best assessment of FI and this SLI debate I've seen.
Reality will be that most of us will only argue about who's buying the next round!
I think this is the best assessment of FI and this SLI debate I've seen.
Reality will be that most of us will only argue about who's buying the next round!

Thanks. I see glimmers of hope throughout this that leads me to believe that we will all end up with something we can live with. I know for certain that a pleasant working environment is more important than money or anything else, and it is my sincere hope that we get there together.

I also know for certain that no amount of money and no seniority number would be worth going through what those folks at USAir/America West are going through (no disrespect to those folks intended).

I'm definitely looking forward to us all being one team. We have a whole lot more in common than we realize.


PS., Please disregard the post where I said a "40 year-old stagnant carrier". That sounds more like a layover gone bad. . . . . really bad! ;)
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