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SWA/Airtran Process Agreement??

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I'm trying to understand this whole thing. Do the arbitrators tell GK when to implement the list?

Did the arbitrator (Nicalau) tell Parker when to implement the USAir list? Nope. But, it is under BINDING ARBITRATION, and even though the East guys over there don't want to abide by it, eventually they will have to. Even USAir and Parker know that, which is why they don't have a new contract yet. That just divides the group, and doesn't allow as many cost saving synergies, and makes the airline look bad to other potential investors. I don't think GK wants to go down that route, even with his FANTASTIC relationship with his SWAPA friends. Nah.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Is your name Ty?

No, but your's is IDIOT. Are you trying to trick Ty or something? Do you want the truth? No, you're not looking for the truth, which is apparent to everyone on here. But don't worry, I will continue to supply it for you at every chance. Watch out Airtran guys, this is the type of guy that will be your FO someday.

Bye Bye---General Lee
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General and OYS,

Sewing hate and discontent between AAI/SWA is 1) Not your issue 2) won't help DAL in ATL...good luck
Yes, he did say it very clearly. The PROCESS will have to be negotiated. He never said ANYTHING about the implementation DATE because THE PROCESS AGREEMENT SPECIFICALLY STATES THE ARBITRATORS WILL TELL US AN IMPLEMENTATION DATE if it goes to arbitration.

You are (conveniently) ignoring the conditions on that date. Conditions that put Gary Kelly in the driver's seat.

I don't know how to say it any more clearly than that for you. It's in black and white in the Process Agreement and EVERYONE signed it. People need to READ the ENTIRE Process Agreement FOR THEMSELVES, not just the bulletpoints that their respective unions are putting out.

That is great advice. Go back and read it. The WHOLE thing, not just the parts you like. There is a reason the company insisted on ambiguity to the implementation of an award.

No, but your's is IDIOT. Are you trying to trick Ty or something? Do you want the truth? No, you're not looking for the truth, which is apparent to everyone on here. But don't worry, I will continue to supply it for you at every chance.


The "truth"? Seriously?

You are unfamiliar with either union's CBA, the transition agreement, the process agreement, or even Gary Kelly's public comments.The only thing you "continue to supply" is your ignorance. Apparently you have quite a stockpile.

You have exploited every opportunity to slam Southwest pilots for at least 10 years. Whatever your issue with us is, calling us names on this message board is not a reasonable substitute for therapy.
Do you want the truth? No, you're not looking for the truth, which is apparent to everyone on here. But don't worry, I will continue to supply it for you at every chance.
Bye Bye---General Lee

Do you read your posts before you hit the submit button? You call someone else an idiot and then you say this? Pretty funny stuff......
Whoa! Slow down there General. No need to start calling people names, bro. An idiot? You don't even know me. The Double Breasted Fairness Police are an angry couple, eh?
Honestly, OY6 did you ever interview here at Southwest? If yes, were you offered a job? Have you ever interviewed at AirTran? If yes, did they offer you a job? Did you qualify to apply to Southwest? Do you have the minimums to apply to SWA now, if you wanted to?


Never wanted to go to Southwest actually. When I got on with United, I thought I had won the lottery, and at the time there were SWA Captains leaving for United. Then things hit the fan, and I was furloughed. I waited for United initially, but then went for an international corporate gig that was fun at first, but living on the beeper 24/7 got old. Luckily I got my current job, which gives me the option to do longhaul international flying again if I want it. I do like your payrates at SWA along with your contract. I hope our guys push for something similar in contract talks starting next year, that would really make this place attractive to almost anyone. As far as having mins to go to SWA now, I have the hours and experience probably, but I don't want to pay for my training to get a type. I don't believe you should have to do that these days. I consider that a slap in the face, actually. Both you and your future employer should want you to work there, and your hard work as an employee should be rewarded by the company paying for your training. If Delta gets your rates or better, and still doesn't make you pay for training, what would you say then for a reason to do that? Thanks for all of the questions.

Whoa! Slow down there General. No need to start calling people names, bro. An idiot? You don't even know me. The Double Breasted Fairness Police are an angry couple, eh?

You're calling names too, that make you look like an idiot. I agree with him. As far as being angry, I won't be as angry as you after reviewing the arbitrated SLI, Mr. Well paid Fonzi Texan. (not bad, right? Lee?)


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